It's a shame that the train isn't going to make the winery run anymore. My wife and a coworker were out there two years ago and took the excursion. They both raved about it upon their return, especially her coworker who had never been out of the state before.
Great shoes. But the wrong way to go getting rid of trains. We need more trains (and better trains) and fewer cars. Having spent many years in Europe I know what trains can be like, and appreciate the need for public transportation to be robust and usable.
Past President, St. Andrew's Society of the Inland Northwest
Member, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Founding Member, Celtic Music Spokane
Member, Royal Photographic Society
Sounds like you had a great time. My wife and I did the dinner train a few times for New Years Eve, but I always wanted to do one of the Murder/Mystery trips.
Are you sure she's wearing tartan shoes, or are they equiped with mirrors? You never know with these lasses these days.
Great pic, but it sounds like an act of offiicial vandalism to take up the railway.
We will still need trains when the oil runs out then the line will have to be re-built. Typical short-sightedness but at least you may have an alternative dinner train. You look very smart by the way.
P.S. I really like the shoes.