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  1. #11
    Join Date
    21st April 07
    Portland Maine
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    Rather then start a new thread, I thought I would ask this question, as it is highly belt related.

    I just bought a very nice belt buckle from USAkilts, but, I must say, Ive never used one before, and I havent the slightest clue how you get it on a belt the right way, or use it the right way.

    On one side, behind the buckle, there is a solid loop, like a normal belt loop, but on the oposite side there is a "hook" like thing.

    Can someone please explain it to me ?

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Jefferson, Georgia, USA
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    It is hard to visualize if you've never seen one before...

    As you see in this pic, the belt slips through the solid loop on the buckle. This is the side where you do your adjusting. The hook, hooks to a metal wire loop on the other end of your belt (barely seen in this pic). This is a very common system on formal military belts that are more decorative than functional.

    Hope that helps.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DamnthePants View Post
    Rather then start a new thread, I thought I would ask this question, as it is highly belt related.

    I just bought a very nice belt buckle from USAkilts, but, I must say, Ive never used one before, and I havent the slightest clue how you get it on a belt the right way, or use it the right way.

    On one side, behind the buckle, there is a solid loop, like a normal belt loop, but on the oposite side there is a "hook" like thing.

    Can someone please explain it to me ?
    This kind of buckle doesn't just go on any old leather belt. You need a suitable kilt belt to go with it - sometimes referred to as a 'Montrose' belt. This kind has a metal loop on one end to engage with the hook on the inside of the buckle:

    ...and the other end of the belt goes through the bar and back on itself - usually there's some kind of adjustment mechanism - either velcro, or a smaller tag and buckle inside the belt:

    ...thus by folding the belt back on itself, you can adjust to your precise required length for a snug fit.

    Once assembled and viewed from the front, you should move the two small loops on the belt (sometimes called 'keepers') for a symmetric look:

    Many here would say that the belt should be snug around the kilt waist but not tight, as it's ornamental not functional - i.e. the belt when worn doesn't help the kilt stay up (that's done by adjusting the kilt straps). It it's too loose, it will sag forward and look bad.

    Cavscout makes some really nice examples of such belts and is an X-marks supporter.

    Best regards
    Last edited by sjrapid; 7th August 07 at 04:06 AM.

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