Niall (Niblox) arrived Sunday... Trefor (McClef) arrived Monday... oan Tuesday we heided oot fur the Dumfries Kilt Nicht Oot!© we we arr wi' the startin' oot dram...
we met oop wi' Alex an Ann a' Cavens Arms...
Trevor went intae a wil' Welsh flurry o' piccie tak'in' inside the pub....
Niall an ai settled intae twa cosy pints...
after oor tea... oan the wa' tae Robert The Bruce Pub... we noticed the sun wuz shawin' aff the Dumfries architecture quite weel...
an the seagulls seemed tae bae enjoyin' the clear blue sky...
inside the Robert The Bruce pub...
whit did we bevvy? why Robert The Bruce Ale o' course...
after... we wandered past the Robert Burns Statue... an the damned paparazzi tracked us doon...
here we a' arr wi' Rab...
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