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  1. #11
    Join Date
    17th September 06
    Fresno, California in the good old U.S.A.
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    Sorry for the delay in writing back...... we ended up attending the park with a wonder 5-year-old so we didn't do as many coasters, but I did do the suspended coaster (which flips you upside down), and I just spread my legs before sitting, wedged the aprons in between my legs and the tiny seat, and sqeezed. I didn't feel any ...ummmm.... breezes where I shouldn't. All in all a fun day. . . . . And most of the comments I heard were very positive (including a 16 year old girl who said to her boyfriend "guys in skirts are soooooo hot," since this was a compliment, I decided not to tell her it was more polite to call it a kilt). I had a couple of people tell me about the highland games they play in, and one gentleman who said to his wife "He's wering his kilt, why wouldn't you let me where mine." The only sort of negative comment I heard was from said 5-year-olds mother who said "In the kilt and boots and the shades you look like like a huge bad-***" (mean while her son darted accross the entrence plaza when he saw me to give me a big hug)

    All in all a great day!

  2. #12
    acstoon is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Sounds like a great time!

    Now, I'm no exhibitionist, but I'm not one to worry, either... I say, let the chips fall where they may.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    27th June 05
    London, Ontario, Canada
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    Thanks for posting, I was curious how this would turn out.

    The only sort of negative comment I heard was from said 5-year-olds mother who said "In the kilt and boots and the shades you look like like a huge bad-***" (mean while her son darted accross the entrence plaza when he saw me to give me a big hug)
    There are those who would not see that as a negative statement. I mean, Wallace with shades, how bad is that?

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