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  1. #1
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    Help with Dirk Frog

    Recently I bought a (authentic looking) replica dirk off ebay and I've just bought myself a 'dirk frog' to attach it to my belt. However, to my horror the metal loop on the back of the dirk is smaller than the leather loop on the frog ! The frog strap measures 3cms but the metal loop is only 1.5cms. I assume that the strap loops through the metal loop, but am I missing something ? like, can you get some kind of adapter ? The manafacturer of the frog (Mossie Croft) says that it's made to the MOD specification so is the dirk half size ? (it certainly looks full size to me). Has anyone else come across this problem ? I'd really like some help with this please

    The Kilt is my delight !

  2. #2
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    It would seem the easiest thing to do would to carefully trim a little from both sides of the strap, then put some edge dressing on it and use it. If I were dong it I would use a large pair of sheers or an exacto knife or razor blade.

    The strap is largely hidden by the dirk when worn anyway.

  3. #3
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    I would make an adapter. I will try to describe since I done have my graphic program with me. Think of a mushroom with a long stem. The stem is the width of the piece on the back of the dirk. The head of the mushroom is wide enough to have a slot that loop on the frog can go through. Pass the frog loop through the top of the mushroom and the stem of the mushroom through the back of the Dirk. Loop the stem of the mushroom back up to the top of the mushroom and attach it with a snap or by sewing.

    Other than it would give you two pieces of leather going through the buckle you could also punch a hole in the end of the stem and pass it through the buckle and just use the buckles tung to hold the stem in place.

    I hope that this isn't to confusing. If someone hasn't given a better suggestion I'll draw pictures tonight.

  4. #4
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by cacunn View Post
    I would make an adapter. I will try to describe since I done have my graphic program with me. Think of a mushroom with a long stem. The stem is the width of the piece on the back of the dirk. The head of the mushroom is wide enough to have a slot that loop on the frog can go through. Pass the frog loop through the top of the mushroom and the stem of the mushroom through the back of the Dirk. Loop the stem of the mushroom back up to the top of the mushroom and attach it with a snap or by sewing.

    Other than it would give you two pieces of leather going through the buckle you could also punch a hole in the end of the stem and pass it through the buckle and just use the buckles tung to hold the stem in place.

    I hope that this isn't to confusing. If someone hasn't given a better suggestion I'll draw pictures tonight.
    Yea - That would work better! The mushroom mental image works for me!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan View Post
    Yea - That would work better! The mushroom mental image works for me!
    I was afraid that I had too many mushrooms in the 60's and my image was warped.

  6. #6
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    I ran into the exact same problem with my dirk and frog. I trimmed the sides of the strap to fit through the bar on the sheath. It works fine.

    If I were doing it again, I'd notch the frog strap at the point where it would pass through the bar, then unscrew the bar, fix it in place over the strap and screw it in, again. A little Lok-tite or super glue would keep the screws from straying. You would not be able to easily remove the sheath from the frog, but why would you need to?

    As you can tell, I've thought about this. Good luck.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  7. #7
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    I think I over engineered my fix. I might take a piece of leather shoe lace or black nylon cord. Tie it into a loop about an inch and a half in diameter. pass the loop through the bar on the back of the dirk and then the frog through both ends of the loop. I would adjust the size of the loop so I could just get the frog strap through both ends. This would pin the bar of the dirk against the frog strap and cut down on the string.

    A quick simple fix and no tools needed other than a sgain dubh or other knife.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob C. View Post

    If I were doing it again, I'd notch the frog strap at the point where it would pass through the bar, then unscrew the bar, fix it in place over the strap and screw it in, again. A little Lok-tite or super glue would keep the screws from straying. You would not be able to easily remove the sheath from the frog, but why would you need to?

    As you can tell, I've thought about this. Good luck.
    I personally like this one.

    It will look and work the best, being less materials involved.
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    Thanks for all the suggestions. I've decided to go along with Bob C.'s idea and make notches to the width of the bar on the back of the dirk.
    One other point. Do you wear it with the buckle facing the dirk (outwards) or facing the kilt with the dirk hanging on the plain side ?
    Maybe some of our piper friends will know the answer to this one.

    Once again. Thanks !
    The Kilt is my delight !

  10. #10
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Can't help you with which way to wear the frog buckle - But, speakling from experience, make sure you use a round punch in the corners of your knotch, or it may well tear with use. If you don't have a leather punch for this, it is worth it going to a cobbler to have it done.

    If you just make notches with a knife, it will tear!

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