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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    This is a quote from Robert MacDonald's website


    "Many people hang their kilt in the closet, or in one of those patent ‘kilt-carrier’ thingies.

    Hanging a kilt up causes the pleats to ‘splay’ and can promote moth attacks.

    The absolute best way to store your kilt is to role it up inside-out and lay it flat in a drawer – preferably in a cedar chest.

    Several members of my pipe-band keep their kilts, hose and sporrans (and anything else that moths might attack) in a Tupperware container. One of my customers made himself a miniature cedar chest, in which he stores everything from bonnet to boots. It’s a work of art and I want one.

    Lay your kilt out flat with the lining facing down and the top of the kilt closest to you. Start at your left (the end of the inner apron) and roll the kilt up. You can then lay the kilt flat in a drawer.

    This method keeps the pleats in alignment and will allow you to transport your kilt in a duffle bag knowing that it won’t be wrinkled when you need it, and inhibits those little sodding moths."

    Me again... Most of the advice on this forum says to hang them so I am confused. What really is best?
    Mark Keeney

  2. #12
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Hanging works. That's how I store them, and Hamish too.

    Laying a kilt flat will also work, but if you have more than one or two kilts, that becomes impossible.

    It becomes a question of quantity. If you wear the kilt as daily attire, or is it something that you just get out every once in a while?

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    I saw a new hanger in a flyer recently. I can't find it now but I'm pretty sure it was in one of the sport flyers and it was for hockey. It was wider than the regular hangers and I thought that might work for a kilt.

    McMurdo will find it, I'm sure.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    Try to see if you can press it to your liking, in the mean time, you should get yourself some kilt hangers, in my opinion the best ones you can find readily enough are these from Ikea
    Here is my Isle of Skye with the kilt hanger I'm talking about, the good thing about these is that they are strong enough to hang a 16oz 8 yard kilt with no problem.
    Well blow me, we use the same hanger (IKEA) for all our kilts on display :-)

    they do the job nice.


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