Here's a pictures of a US Coast Guard Auxiliary dressed to the nines... .....silver bling.
Originally Posted by Alan H Lookie what I found..... Note that the Auxiliary bling is supposed to be silver, as opposed to gold for the Coast Guard. I bet anything you can buy silver or pewter CCGA buttons from somewhere. 'Tis true CCGA is silver as opposed to gold of the CCG, this mirrors the US in the same respects. My former rank in the auxiliary would be a silver bar and a half with maple leaf (deputy unit leader, stepped down to spend more time with the family ) I am still currently CCGA coxswain. My own unit has our own rank structure and uniform and officers bars are in gold. I wear both uniforms but CCGA only on rare occasions. It didn't mention any kilts in the guidelines did it?
Originally Posted by ccga3359 ' It didn't mention any kilts in the guidelines did it? There's a US Coast Guard tartan, is there one for the Canadian Coast Guard? 'cause if there isn't...*ahem*....I sense an opportunity, here.
BTW, I have a fair bit of interaction with our local Auxiliary, and the guys and gals are always great. Nice folks. they come to our sailing society meetings and spoken to us frequently about emergency situations, radio protocol, flares and so on. It's always been useful and helpful.
Originally Posted by Alan H There's a US Coast Guard tartan, is there one for the Canadian Coast Guard? 'cause if there isn't...*ahem*....I sense an opportunity, here. No there is no tartan but there was a fella on Xmarks years ago (or friend of rabble) who was also CCG, he wore his kilt a couple of times onboard. Standing on the foredeck in an arctic gale, kilted. All those on the bridge with binoculars won't be asking you the 'question' later . I could go with any tartan I guess but stuck with my Maple Leaf for one photo op.
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