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  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th September 04
    Amelia County, Virginia, USA
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    One Week To The Richmond Games

    The Richmond Highland Games and Celtic Festival is one week from today. As usual, the featured entertainer is Charlie Zahm. For those who haven't heard Charlie, he has an amazing voice. The games this year as last year, are The North American Heavy Scottish Athletics Championships (Saturday date), and will feature the best athletes from all of North America, with an occasional athlete from the UK here by invitation. I know that some of the members from Va and the surrounding area will be at the games. We should select a meeting place and time to meet on the grounds and take some group photos. My suggestion is around noon, at the whiskey tasting tent, located at one end of the festival grounds. It should be near one of the old state fairground permanent buildings. There are sometimes two whiskey tasting tents, but the one I'm talking about will be the one where you go in and have a seat. They explain the history of Scotch whiskey and allow the visitors to sample different whiskeys during the lecture. Another prominant site for getting together is the Guinness stage area. It's the main entertainment venue and is near the beer vendor. I usually hang out there (the stage, not the beer tent)
    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
    Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    16th September 06
    Manassas, VA, USA
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    We're going on Sunday. My daughter has a party to attend on Saturday. Hope to see you there!
    Paul X. Danner
    My Email

  3. #3
    Join Date
    24th July 07
    Spotsylvania, Virginia USA
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    I'll be there Saturday. Sorry that I'll miss Paul, Dottie and Emily. Jerry, I look for you at the Scotch Tasting tent at noon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Spotsylvania, Virginia USA
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    As I write this I'm listening to a steady downpour of rain which has been going on for more than 24 hours. It's expected to end tomorrow, no it's today Saturday in the afternoon.

    So Jerry don't look for me at the whiskey tasting tent at noon tomorrow, I mean today Saturday. (I still functioning on Friday night, although my watch reads SAT 12:30 PM.) I'll probably head down later in the day or may decide to go there Sunday. BTW I'm very thankful for the rain as we have been in a severe drought for the last three months!

  5. #5
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    Manassas, VA, USA
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    Well, turns out that we got the date wrong for the party that my daughter wants to attend, it's actually on Sunday. As I sit here, at 0517 Saturday morn, listening to my sump pump eject water into the back yard every 10 minutes or so, I also am trying to decide when and if to go. It's 100 miles each way for us. Got there last year just after a good bit of rain and wandered around on a windy, muddy day. May or may not be up for it today. If we decide to go, I'll definitely give you a call Ern.
    Paul X. Danner
    My Email

  6. #6
    Join Date
    24th July 07
    Spotsylvania, Virginia USA
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulX608 View Post
    Well, turns out that we got the date wrong for the party that my daughter wants to attend, it's actually on Sunday. As I sit here, at 0517 Saturday morn, listening to my sump pump eject water into the back yard every 10 minutes or so, I also am trying to decide when and if to go. It's 100 miles each way for us. Got there last year just after a good bit of rain and wandered around on a windy, muddy day. May or may not be up for it today. If we decide to go, I'll definitely give you a call Ern.
    Hey Paul let's go! The day has turned sunny and I can taste the meat pies and Guinness now! I'm giving you a call!

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