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  1. #1
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Neat kilt hanging trick

    OK guys and gals, I'm sure that most of you know this trick, but for the new people, here is one thing that I took along on my recent trip, that really helped out.

    I figured that the ship and hotels that we were going to be staying at would have some skirt hangers, but seven? So I took along a bunch of these clips:

    I then used them as below to support the middle of the kilt, or three of them off the bottom of a regular hanger.

    Works great!

  2. #2
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    That is an excellent idea James, one I had not thought of I use wooden skirt hangers from IKEA they cost 99 cents each here is what it looks like

    It works wonderfully even for an 8 yard 16 oz kilt.

  3. #3
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    Hah! I've still got you both beat. Hangers for free. No hassle of thinking up cool and different ways to accomplish the job. And did I mention that the hangers are free. At that price you could leave them on the boat for the kiltie.

    See "How to hang your kilt" in the articles section.

    Of course Master Gunnery Sergent, with your idea you don't even have to pack the hangers to the boat.
    Steve Ashton
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  4. #4
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    Hello James,I hope you had a great trip.That is a neat idea of yours----I keep re-learning that I am never too old to learn a new trick!

    Slightly off topic,sorry,but I notice in the pictures above that the kilts have belt loops.Is this a modern idea?Or, is this a colonial adaptation?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Hello James,I hope you had a great trip.That is a neat idea of yours----I keep re-learning that I am never too old to learn a new trick!

    Slightly off topic,sorry,but I notice in the pictures above that the kilts have belt loops.Is this a modern idea?Or, is this a colonial adaptation?
    Just about every kilt that comes from Scotland has these now, too. They are supposedly for the sporran belt, not a the kilt belt, but most folks don't know this. Wearing the belt through the loops can interfere with the way the pleats hang. I find that for non-custom kilts, like SWK, I need to use the loops to keep the kilt belt from riding up over the waistband, but this doesn't happen on my custom kilts. Barb T and Matt Newsome recommend against belt loops.
    Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)

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  6. #6
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    James, I have seen several kilt hanging tricks. This is one of the better ones. Thanks.

  7. #7
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Slightly off topic,sorry,but I notice in the pictures above that the kilts have belt loops.Is this a modern idea?Or, is this a colonial adaptation?
    I'm still undecided about belt loops, some of my custom kilts have them and some don't. The same goes for the "off-the-rack" kilts.

    Sometimes, if I know I will be moving around quite a bit, I like them. Other times I don't.

    I do notice that after a long day of getting into and out of my truck, or of sitting and standing a lot, the belt loops help.

    I don't agree that the belt loops mess up the hang of the kilt.

    I see no difference.

    After all the sporran is a pretty big drag too.

    All-in-all, I think I like belt loops.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Hello James,I hope you had a great trip.That is a neat idea of yours----I keep re-learning that I am never too old to learn a new trick!

    Slightly off topic,sorry,but I notice in the pictures above that the kilts have belt loops.Is this a modern idea?Or, is this a colonial adaptation?
    My first kilt is a Gunn Modern that my dad gave me it was made by A&J Scott and co. Aberdeen, in about 1950, and it has belt loops. The Isle of Skye kilt was made here with the loops but my Graham of Mantieth Modern from Hector Russell has no belt loops.
    I'm really not sure what that means but I am sure that the addition of loops is not a Colonial adaptation.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wizard of BC View Post
    Hah! I've still got you both beat. Hangers for free. No hassle of thinking up cool and different ways to accomplish the job. And did I mention that the hangers are free. At that price you could leave them on the boat for the kiltie.
    Steve the way I see it at the amount of money the Isle of Skye cost me I really do not mind spending 99 cents on a hanger that I know does the job.

  10. #10
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    Well well,thanks chaps.I have learned three things from this thread.1.A neat kilt hanging tip.2.Belt loops are more common than I thought.3.I must be more observant!

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