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  1. #1
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    The Frugal Corner

    Has anyone ever bought a kilt from the Frugal Corner? they have really cheap kilts, but are they any good? I thought about getting one to do woodwork in. You cnt one for about $50.00. It might make a good kilt for dirty work.
    The Fish Whisperer®
    That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

  2. #2
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    It appears of late that some members are having difficulty in ordering and communicating with them. For an alternative for an inexpensive but still decent kilt try Stillwater Kilts. For a custom made and tough as nails kilt check out the hemp line at RKilts.

  3. #3
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    I have not bought one from them, but if you do a search for Frugal Corner I'm sure it will be interesting reading many people on the board have bought from them with various results. You could also look at Stillwater kilts

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by hxtonhouse View Post
    Has anyone ever bought a kilt from the Frugal Corner? they have really cheap kilts, but are they any good? I thought about getting one to do woodwork in. You cnt one for about $50.00. It might make a good kilt for dirty work.

    Dude, the search feature is your friend. A search for threads with "Frugal Corner" in the title comes up with 31 hits. (126 if you search for threads with "Frugal Corner" in the body.

    Best regards,

    [B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]

  5. #5
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    In all honesty, Frugal Corner and Stillwater have very similar products. Jerry, at Stillwater beats everyone on delivery and customer relations.

  6. #6
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    I orderd from them it took months for the order to come. When it did come it was wrong. They did send the correct order after a some more time passed. They dont return phone calls, they dont return emails, and they dont send the wright orders. But when I did get my kilts i was happy with what I got.
    All in All I dont think I would be in any hurry to order from them again.

  7. #7
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    New Kilt From Frugal

    I have purchased 2 different tartan fabrics at 2 different times and received them in about 7 days. I ordered the MASONIC kilt and it took about 4 weeks. I have another kilt on order and I did receive an e-mail that it has been ordered but there would be a delay.

    The kilt is acrylic, like Stillwater, and is made in Pakistan. I believe this is where the delay is.

    The problem I have with acrylic is that it is prone to fabric pulls because it is a looser weave than wool or polyv.

    For the price it is a good kilt. If you are use to 'tanks' or good sturdy PV kilts (hello Rocky!) there might be some disappointment. But the 16oz acrylic from Frugal is good but at this point don't be in a hurry.

    It will never replace a good wool kilt but for leisure or Saturday shopping and the price it's not bad in my opinion...


  8. #8
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    Thanks Monkey arms, I am new to this whole online community thing.
    the kilts at stillwater look nice. might have to get one.
    The Fish Whisperer®
    That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

  9. #9
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    As has been said The Frugal Corner and Stillwater Kilts have good kilts for the $ conscious.

    I am currently wearing a FC 16 oz Pride of Scotland, I have found it to be both comfortable and durable.

    That being said, I also own a Stillwater Heavyweight, which is about the same weight as the FC 16 oz, except its wool. To me it to is a good buy!

    I have 2 FC's on order, custom sized, and yes much delayed. FC has had problems, but they have tried very hard to make things right. I have been satisfied with their efforts, but I am usually an abnormally patient individual.

    I also have 2 Stillwater Thrifty Kilts, these are very comfortable and to my way of thinking great casual around the house kilts.

    On Sunday I ordered my first Standard Kilt from Stillwater, should have it tomorrow or Thursday. I am anxious to see how it compares with the FC 16 oz, as they are very comparable price-wise.

    SWK (Stillwater Kilts) has an excellent reputation and their Customer Service is very hard to beat.

    Hope this helps,

    Marshal Moroni
    "..., and wrote upon it - In memory of our God, our religion, and our freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children...." Alma 46:12

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by hxtonhouse View Post
    Has anyone ever bought a kilt from the Frugal Corner? they have really cheap kilts, but are they any good? I thought about getting one to do woodwork in. You cnt one for about $50.00. It might make a good kilt for dirty work.

    I have been dealing with Frugal Corner for almost a year. My band ordered over 20 custom made 16oz. masonic kilts from FC everybody was happy with the price and quality of the kilts. I myself am very active in several different kilted organizations. The Egypt Shrine Highlanders, The Krewe of Shamrocks and The New World Celts. I am kilted almost full time. I have from FC their; Hunting Stewart, Clark/Cergy, Pride of Scotland, Scottish National, Solid Black, Black Stewart, Black Watch, MacQueen and Masonic 16oz. kilts.

    I also own from Stillwater a Saffron Standard and a Leatherneck Heavyweight kilts.

    I alway check FC inventory list first before ordering and have had no problems. As far as comparing the two, I think the FC 16oz. is the same as Stillwater Standard. I will purchase from both again in the future.


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