Here's the local weather forecast. I am not kilting today, as my pleats need a press, but I may tomorrow or the next day. We'll see. -35°F currently Mostly Cloudy Wind: N at 0 mph Humidity: 0%Today -22° | -31°Thu -31° | -43°Fri -2° | -16°Sat -2° | -25°Sun
Sounds pretty balmy for this time of the year..but then again I lived for 4 years on Chena Hot Springs Road long before "global warming!" Rob
[B]IrishRob[/B] MacSithigh of Ireland--Southern Donald of Scotland
Ha ha ha.....yeah balmy...that's the word I was looking for!
You have a heat wave coming this weekend. Seems the perfect time to break out the sunblock and beach blanket to me! JamesA
Eh, a bit brisk. I know how sub-zero feels, nothing you can't handle.
It looks like you will almost have a thaw at the weekend.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
Originally Posted by cessna152towser It looks like you will almost have a thaw at the weekend. I believe he is posting in Degrees F.......
Originally Posted by Livingston I believe he is posting in Degrees F....... Yes, my apologies. I am posting in degrees Farenheit. Sorry for any confusion. Though I believe C and F converge somewhere around -40.
Once the numbers get down to -30, the F or C make little difference as either way it's F-C ing cold! Chris...
Youth & Enthusiasm are no match for Age & Treachery
Definitely a heat wave for Fairbanks at Christmas. Kilt on! Moosedog
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