22nd December 07, 10:45 AM
 Originally Posted by O'Neille
The Scottish play is ................... due to some fears of a superstitious curse. A little search will reveal your answer.
It is only superstitious to mention it whilst in a theater, so ... if ... I ... can ... say it without THE CURSE ... Mac .... elizabeth ...
And I'm still ALIVE!
Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker
A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.
22nd December 07, 10:46 AM
Here is a hint
The Scottish Play was by William Shakespeare, due to superstition one does not name the play.
How many are kilts are you talking about, and would it be possible to do a great kilt, this would minimze the sewing involved.
22nd December 07, 10:53 AM
 Originally Posted by McMurdo
How many are kilts are you talking about, and would it be possible to do a great kilt, this would minimze the sewing involved.
At least 5-7 kilts.
22nd December 07, 11:03 AM
The Scottish play would be Macbeth. (It's only bad luck to say it if you are actually starring in it!)
As far as kilts for it, here's the catch... Macbeth was king in the early 1000's. Wayyyyy before kilts came about.
Now, certainly you can have your actors kilted if you so want. I've heard of a fantastic version of Macbeth done on a Japanese Kabuki theme!
If you do want to be strictly accurate in the clothing, though, this will help you out.
Break a leg and let us know how you get on!
22nd December 07, 11:05 AM
Thank you very much, Arlen!
22nd December 07, 11:10 AM
That's my favorite Shakespeare play, so break a leg. Also, Welcom.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
22nd December 07, 11:13 AM
I'm not as brave as Arlen so I'll push my luck and just give everyone an interesting link. http://www.kevrobertson.supanet.com/page2.htm
22nd December 07, 11:19 AM
22nd December 07, 11:25 AM
 Originally Posted by Arlen
I done Macbeth a few times at school when I was doing higher drama.
Considering how superstitious I am it took my drama teacher providing a LOT of written proof of when the 'caution' began to get me to believe it's ok to say it as long as you're not in it.
That said, I worry more about the ill luck of starring in Antigone.
Kaeden, welcome to Xmarks the Scot.
I hope everything goes well for you.
(And maybe being on this site will even convince you to get a kilt of your own!) 
Thank you for all your kind words. I myself am starring in Macbeth, but only as an extra, a fighter. I speak no words and am not onstage while words are spoken. Our theatre team has also done Antigone, Kabuki style. 
(I have been thinking of buying a kilt of my own, too! :P)
22nd December 07, 11:33 AM
WELCOME from Flint, Michigan...have fun with your play prep!
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