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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozone View Post
    Anyone need a cheap PV kilt by the way? :-)
    If it's in a 32 waist and somewhere between 23 and 25 inches in length overall, I just might "need" another knockaround.

  2. #32
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    Inexpensive Kilts

    The inexpensive kilts allows students and young men to be introduced to kilts as an alternative to shorts and regular trousers and therefore broaden their visibility and hopefully appeal. As shown by this site they will tend to gravitate to higher quality if there is an ongoing interest. This should help out the quality kilt makers if they have the appropriate strategy.

  3. #33
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    I have a "tank" and I have a cheap PV kilt.
    Guess which one I wear to rugby matches, and guess which one I wear to weddings?

  4. #34
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    My Cheap kilt

    A local Celtic Festival was having a 5k "kilted" road race, I wanted to participate so i purchased my first kilt, a $60 KiltMart brand Irish National and am perfectly happy with it. Would I like to have a "real deal" heavyweight kilt, yes, but does it make sense fisaclly for me? no. Now, that being said, while $60 is a cheap kilt it is still the most expensive single garment I own so I feel justified in wearing it as a replacement for similarlly priced slacks for my suit, and damn it, I look good in it...

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by graham_s View Post
    I have a "tank" and I have a cheap PV kilt.
    Guess which one I wear to rugby matches, and guess which one I wear to weddings?
    umm, tank to rugby and cheapo to wedding?!! no, no, wait- you wear the tank and cheapo to the game and were pants at a wedding! no, no- the tank to the wedding and the cheapo to a rugby game!
    Gillmore of Clan Morrison

    "Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross

  6. #36
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    Further to the Singh Family (aka Gold Bros.) vs. Geoffrey Nicholsby dust up, it is likely that this is as much about buying up property along the Royal Mile as it is about selling kilts. Both firms apparently own a lot of property on the street and both seem to be bent on acquiring more. When Mr. Geoffrey opened up his prices were significantly lower than other high street traders. One by one they cosed down due to the pressure of competition. Those few remaining were forced, by and large, to reduce costs by lowering quality. The question seems to be how far can quality sink before people refuse to accept the product?

    To paraphrase Phineas T. Barnum: No one ever went broke under estimating the taste of the buying public.

  7. #37
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    The Lidl flyer also states that the kilts are made out of heavyweight 16 oz. PV. I'm having a little trouble swallowing that.
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  8. #38
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    On The Scotsman website, one person comments:

    It should be illegal to call these 'kilts'. Would someone selling blue nylon trousers be allowed to market them as 'denim jeans'?
    I wholly agree.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by CelticMedic View Post
    A local Celtic Festival was having a 5k "kilted" road race, I wanted to participate so i purchased my first kilt, a $60 KiltMart brand Irish National and am perfectly happy with it. Would I like to have a "real deal" heavyweight kilt, yes, but does it make sense fisaclly for me? no. Now, that being said, while $60 is a cheap kilt it is still the most expensive single garment I own so I feel justified in wearing it as a replacement for similarlly priced slacks for my suit, and damn it, I look good in it...
    Here Here!

    I will someday own tartan kilt. I will someday own a wool kilt. I will someday own a tank. I will someday have to put my kids through college. (approximate order of cost). But I only see one of those happening in the next year, maybe.

  10. #40
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    Reading this series is a real roller coaster of emotions for me. I think that there should always be available "less-expensive" (under 60$ US or 30 pounds sterling).
    I am one who has no need, nor desire to participate in high society affairs where a 500$ plus kilt is de rigeur. I am very happy to wear home made kilts which I find comfortable. I always feel overdressed when wearing a plaid kilt (I have 3, 2 from swk and one from Frugal) and sporran for daily wear around the house, into town for shoping, taking wife to the doctor, etc. I wear a brown corduroy most of the time, alternating with a brown twill, including going to restaurants and the Dr's office.

    Clan MacHardy decent.

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