Well, first of all...that's one fine tartan!
Alright, so I have a slight bias--being closely related to Mathesons, my family has traditionally worn the Matheson hunting [why not the dress? I don't know]. My favourite kilt is my ancient hunting Matheson. But I digress.
I would say that black hose would relate better to the tie: that way you can look formal without all the busy detail of brogues. I'd be tempted not to wear a belt at all. The sporran? I think size matters more than type--you would need a larger sporran to be in proportion--but I don't agree that furs and cantle are at all necessary to achieve a sophisticated look. In your case, nothing should detract from the white jacket.
EPITAPH: Decades from now, no one will know what my bank balance looked like, it won't matter to anyone what kind of car I drove, nor will anyone care what sort of house I lived in. But the world will be a different place, because I did something so mind bafflingly eccentric that my ruins have become a tourist attraction.