12th March 08, 10:16 AM
hear ye hear ye Grant got kilt checked!
Grant came by to pick up some things from me and no sooner than he crossed the threshold Isadora was lifting his kilt up to have a peak. She was thorough! checked both the back and the front....poor Grant was defenseless. His hands were wrapped around a box and Isadora took advantage and went for broke.
She's never done it before....must have been that new Mac Newsome box pleat Grant was struttin' in.
Sorry about that Grant. Sometimes she has no manners.
Clarification....Isadora is a 4 year old lab/samoyed cross with a mind all her own.
12th March 08, 10:22 AM
Most females, in fact pretty much all the ones I know, have a mind all their own. LOL
12th March 08, 10:29 AM
Good, there are now a lot of other young ladies that will appreciate that. Now Grant won'd be complaining and they won't have to check him.
12th March 08, 10:31 AM
Hahah! I only laugh because my poor husband got kilt checked the first time by a greyhound. That sucker was QUICK, too. Let's just say it was a good thing my husband was just a little quicker than the greyhound.
Heehee.... silly doggies
12th March 08, 10:34 AM
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
12th March 08, 10:44 AM
Obviously the rubber chicken wasn't there to defend Grant's honour!
[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]Reverend Earl Trefor the Sublunary of Kesslington under Ox, Venerable Lord Trefor the Unhyphenated of Much Bottom, Sir Trefor the Corpulent of Leighton in the Bucket, Viscount Mcclef the Portable of Kirkby Overblow.
Cymru, Yr Alban, Iwerddon, Cernyw, Ynys Manau a Lydaw am byth! Yng Nghiltiau Ynghyd!
(Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall, Isle of Man and Brittany forever - united in the Kilts!)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
12th March 08, 10:47 AM
We're still waiting for pictures of that box - How'd it look???
12th March 08, 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Canuck
Sorry about that Grant. Sometimes she has no manners.
Actually I was about to start a thread entitled "Breakfast with a kilt maker" to outdo McMurdo and his coffee with same. As we now know this morning I popped by Robert's, we went out for breakfast and discussed many a thing including my new kilt. Robert is making me my MultiCam camo paintball kilt with some modifications. he will be pulling tufts of hair out over this one which should help ensure that I will now get more kilt checks than him and yes even those of the non-canine variety. Slowly our conversation drifted, as it always does, to rubber chickens and how impossible they are to find in Canada (I, having to import at great expense from the States). "Why don't you try such 'n' such store down the road?" My wizened colleague suggested. So I did. Looking resplendant in my Newsome ancient MacLachlan and new RKilts Tazmanian sporran I purposely stroll into said store when all shopkeeper's eyes fall on me, assuming Mother and three college aged young ladies. (?) They immediatly noticed the kilt . Well one of the young ladies came up to me and offered me help. I told her that I was looking for a rubber chicken so she took me to a section that I was likely to find one. She then said that she would get somebody that worked there to assist. Well the 'Mom' comes over and assists, "I have the small rubber chicken keychain over there" by the look on my face she adds "Oh you want the big rubber chicken, I sorry we don't have any but I can order you one in!" I responded that I live a couple hours away and that I'd try somewhere closer to home but thank you. She then offered to make a phone call to another place in town to which I reclined as I didn't know the town. Then came the question, "what's the purpose of a rubber chicken?" To which I replied that "That's the beauty of it, it has no purpose. it just... Is!" I like to leave them scratching their heads and regretting the last five minutes of their time spent with me .
Now Robert, what are you doing online? You have a kilt to make!
12th March 08, 10:59 AM
Isadora returns to her bed shaking her head and thinking, "I could have sworn I smelled chicken!?"
Congratulations all the same
12th March 08, 11:01 AM
Well it's a start.
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
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