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  1. #21
    Join Date
    12th October 07
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    Quote Originally Posted by northernsky View Post
    . . . times were when people ate, drank, and talked through whole performances. They would cheer parts they liked and jeer the parts they didn't. The boxes were reserved for the rich and the floor for everybody else. . .
    Sounds like the reign of Elizabeth I. The Globe was famous (infamous?) for such behavior. Shakespeare even mentioned it in Hamlet: ". . . split the ears of the groundlings . . ."

    "No man is genuinely happy, married, who has to drink worse whiskey than he used to drink when he was single." ---- H. L. Mencken

  2. #22
    Join Date
    12th May 04
    Denmark, north of Copenhagen
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    You two look very nice.
    My wife and I have always dressed up when going to the opera or concert house. Some years ago there was a period where the majority of the audience showed up in old jeans, thick sweaters and filthy hears, thereby making a huge difference to the musicians in their black tail coats, white shirts and ties.
    Of course, no one should be excluded from these great moments of life just because they don’t own a suit or the like. But it wasn’t the case with most people. They probably had the fine clothes but preferred the utmost casual look. It had become a fashion.
    The standard is going up, fortunately.



  3. #23
    Join Date
    15th February 07
    Dallas (Lewisville), TX
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    Very nice for Phantom.
    My wife and I are avid Broadway fans. Being that we're in Dallas, Texas doesn't help. But as luck would have it, we are season ticket holders to the Dallas Summer Musicals, and the Broadway Contemporary Series (aka Dallas Winter Musicals). We've seen everything from Les Miserables to Spamalot and from Cats to Phantom and way too many to count. We're on our 5 season this year with an average of 15 shows a year. It's amazing what you pick up on in regular movies by knowing that half the cast at one time or another performed on Broadway.

    For Season Ticket Information

  4. #24
    Join Date
    15th February 07
    Dallas (Lewisville), TX
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    Sorry forgot to add..
    I've only been to one show in kilt, and was a more casual look. For the Summer Musicals the typical dress is not uncommon to show up in Khaki Shorts, and T-shirt. Of course we see the Sunday 2pm shows (cheaper tickets). A few years ago we'd see the Sunday evening show and then we'd dress nicer.

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