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  1. #21
    Join Date
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    I was just sitting here thinking how lucky I am.

    Most people only have one kilt and I am blessed with abut 20.

    But there's the problem, which one's to bring.

    I know I have to travel in one Friday and of course I can't wear the same one out Friday nite.

    Then there is Saturday I have to compete in one and of course after competing I will have to change for Saturday nite drinking.

    Lastly Sunday I will need another kilt for the games and a travel kilt for Sundays night flight back.

    So I will wear one and pack five kilt.

    Back to the problem, which one's to bring?

    Well most defiant my Leatherneck, because I will be staying with Jay the old Jar Head.

    And of course my Masonic, because I will be staying with Jay the old Mason.

    Also my (new) New World Celts, Because I will be staying with Jay, He just joined and will be starting a chapter there and he's an old .....

    I will probably travel there in my Kommando Kilt,

    I still need to decide on two more, maybe they will be my new Amerikilt or my new boulder Sports Kilt or My new Utlitkilt, the three should be arriving tomorrow.

    Then of course I can't wear the same sporran all weekend what would Jay think about me.

    I am so confused Arti white Fox, Badger, possum, mink grey or brown, Red Fox, Grey Fox, Coyote, Nutra or skunk. Don't forget my leather one's.

    HELP, HELP.....


  2. #22
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    John, John, John - Less is more! But I understand your problem.

    You should be able to travel both ways in the same kilt, and also compete in the same one. Sponge baths are available in between!

    Casual to travel, casual for day-wear, tanks for the nights.... It's not like it's a week!

    Sporrans may be a problem, but I can always loan you one!!!

    Don't pack hangers, I have enough.

    Don't forget your Teddy Bear and Blankie..............

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by James MacMillan View Post
    John, John, John - Less is more! But I understand your problem.

    You should be able to travel both ways in the same kilt, and also compete in the same one. Sponge baths are available in between!

    Casual to travel, casual for day-wear, tanks for the nights.... It's not like it's a week!

    Sporrans may be a problem, but I can always loan you one!!!

    Don't pack hangers, I have enough.

    Don't forget your Teddy Bear and Blankie..............
    Jay, you of all people saying less is more! Please remind me how many kilts you own....

    What if I get by chance the same airline stewardess on both flights how would it look wearing the same kilt...

    And if people come back to the games a second day their going to say look that guy from Florida is wearing the same kilt as yesterday..

    Jay, Jay what would they think about me..

    I know it's not a week, but it is the weekend


    And then there's the picture, how can I post pic with the same kilt. What would the other Xmarker think. My rep...

  4. #24
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    I am looking forward to this weekend!!!! John, I know the feeling about which one to pack. I only have have three, but it was which shirt looks the best with this kilt. Next thing you know I taking my whole closet. LOL. I wish you a good trip and see you this weekend.
    His Noble Excellency Ryan the Innocent of Waldenshire under Throcket
    Free Your Legs!

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiltedinUSMC View Post
    I am looking forward to this weekend!!!! John, I know the feeling about which one to pack. I only have have three, but it was which shirt looks the best with this kilt. Next thing you know I taking my whole closet. LOL. I wish you a good trip and see you this weekend.
    Thank you, KiltedinUSMC

    I look forward to meeting all you westcoast Xmarkers.


  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Haven't gone through all the shots I took yesterday, but here are a few. I might have some of Shriner in competition but will have to look more closely.

    Jay, in a Matt Newsome box-pleat, chatting up a pipe band about their tartan.

    Our Clan parading (that's my brother-in-law Garth, president of the So Cal chapter, in the green T-shirt).

    Nice parade shot

    Sad to say, one of the vendors had these for sale. . . understand he got kilt checked more than once during the day! (and I DON"T know why the PhotoBucket crop took effect but the rotate didn't!).

    And the Saturday night gathering (a few more shots in Kilt Night thread) with Shriner, KiltedinUSMC, Jay, 1OldSarge, and my Bob.

    Perhaps more later, but it's a busy day here.

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