Doggie! Bark! Okay, that was weird, I'm going to crawl back into my corner now.
The cutest set of pictures I've seen in forever.
It looks as though you have two babies, too cute.
C.P.Rogerson Kwajalein Atoll, Republic Marshall Islands
Absolutely adorable!
LOL, that dog is awesome and the baby isn't scared either!!
Gillmore of Clan Morrison "Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross
Originally Posted by James MacMillan You have just shown us a side of you, that I didin't even know existed.... Kinda makes me wonder what side you were familiar with! LOL
Aww... that third pic looks like he's going to do a taste test... mmm tasty baby, get in mah belly. =) Great Pics Tony!
Mans best friend ! Most excellent pictures and both are cute.
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