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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Smile Going to start on sewing a simple kilt, will post pictures

    So my first kilt was pretty much a disaster, I did learn a lot from it. I learned it takes a lot of time, a lot of patience, a lot of measuring and a lot of fabric.

    I also learned the basics of what goes into a utility/American style kilt.

    Sorry I didn't post pictures of the progress of the first one, couldn't find the camera. I should be able to post pictures of the second attempt as I believe I know where the camera is.

    This next one will not be an Xkilt. It will instead be a basic utility style kilt. Knife pleating facing backwards and matching at the back end. Narrow front and made to sit where pants sit. I'm going to try to keep it as simple as I possibly can. This time the fabric is a camo fabric I picked up from Walmart for about $4 a yard. 100% cotton.

    I will try to update this thread every few hours or once a day depending on how long at one stretch I work on it. If I try to do it all today, then I will try to update this thread every few hours. If I do some today, some tomorrow, then I will update it once a day (with pictures).

    Wish me luck!

  2. #2
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    Here's a picture of what the fabric looks like prior to doing anything with it. I'm washing it right now.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I made an xkilt from that exact material.

    It's fairly light, unfortunately, so I don't think I'd wear it in public. Even a sporran or biker shorts are necessary around the house. It's very comfy though.

  4. #4
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    If that is a flannel, I have the same XKilt lounge kilt!
    AlanH was right, BTW- don't use box pleats.

  5. #5
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    Sorry for lack of updates, have had a massive headache the past couple days. Been doing a lot of sleeping. As soon as I can concentrate on sewing, I'll start.

    I started getting a major headache as the cloth was washing.

    BTW- don't use box pleats.
    I plan to use knife pleats

    It's fairly light, unfortunately, so I don't think I'd wear it in public.
    It's fairly light but I still think I can do something with it. Even if it's too light to wear in public, It will still let me try out my mods to the xkilt design.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkReaves View Post
    It's fairly light but I still think I can do something with it. Even if it's too light to wear in public, It will still let me try out my mods to the xkilt design.
    Agreed. I love the material itself. Added to the fact that it was my third x-kilt and built better than the previous two, it's extremely comfortable. I almost slept in it the other night, but didn't want to scare my room mate in the morning.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    If you have enough of the fabric use it doubled.

    DPM often has to be worn cut selvage to selvage to look right, so needs a hem, by doubling it you avoid that, as you have the raw edges covered by the waistband and a fold at the bottom.

    I have not done a kilt using double material but it works well for jackets and period garments which were made from heavier fabrics than those easily available at the time - this was pre internet shopping for me.

    As most cotton kilts are sewn along the outer folds the two layers of material will be held together quite well.

    Anne the Pleater

  8. #8
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    Have not started on the second kilt due to major headaches.

    The headaches finally stopped enough today to where I got back to work. Instead of making the second kilt, I decided to see if I could salvage the first kilt because its material is much heavier.

    Success! I JUST finished the FIRST kilt and it's in the wash. If it survives the wash and dry, I will take pictures and put them up on this forum. It does NOT have pockets yet. Those will be snap on cargo pockets I'm sure. I will work on them tomorrow.

    The second kilt is still planned, but I might go back and get more fabric to double up on it.

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