Something to see in the future, maybe.
I like the breeze between my knees
noo there is a walkway oan the cliff tae the cave...
looking oot the cave tae Em and the dugs...
the inscription abin the cave reads... "within this cave kinge robert bruce from foes pursuant soughte a truce lyke my forebearers who for hym fell i, irvinggarde doe guard yt well"
luekin' intae the entrance...
luekin' doon 30 feet tae Kirtle Water ablow...
an whilst we were there... we were lucky enough tae see a wee spidar web in the corner....
weel... there ya gae... three Robert The Bruce sites fur ya tae visit... a' nay far frae Dumfries.... slainte mhath kilties!
Another excellent set of pictures, Robertson. Thanks!
Thanks for the wonderful photo tour, nice to see the spider's web in the cave. That would have been quite a climb down but even worse climb up. If at first you don't suceed try try again.
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