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  1. #21
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    Way to go, you got in your own jab without causing a fight.
    Airman. Piper. Scholar. - Avatar: MacGregor Tartan
    “KILT, n. A costume sometimes worn by Scotchmen in America and Americans in Scotland.” - Ambrose Gwinett Bierce

  2. #22
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    I think you dealt with it very well.

    Having said that, some people in my life have called it a skirt -- but that's when I bust out the ol' "It's a kilt! DO you know WHY it's called a kilt? Because people like you have gotten KILT for calling it a skirt."

    Anyhoo, the closest I've come to a situation like yours is when my wife and I went as a sailor and prostitute to a Halloween party (I was the prostitute and she was the sailor)... It was funny as hell, but I made a VERY convincing woman... When some foreign exchange student at the dance didn't ASK me to dance but literally took me by the hand, lifting me up off my seat and proceeded to whisk me across the dance floor! It was a quickstep and a huge dance floor. Luckily, I have taken several years of ballroom lessons, so I was able to match his steps and since he was a strong lead, I actually managed to not trip and step on his toes... Was a bit tricky in in 6" stilettos though. College! Fun times!

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ###KILTEDKIWI### View Post
    what a muppet...

    why didnt you say you "actually, i've had my eye on you for some time now", you look like a bit of a go er...
    Well played, sir.
    - The Beertigger
    "The only one, since 1969."

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sionnachdubh View Post
    Hang manners iI would have started a fight anyway and if she knew me she would understand, if she didn't tough!

    + 1...Friend or no friend, That guy would definitly look like a go-er when he was on the ground looking for his teeth.

  5. #25
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    Waste NO time on drunk people!

  6. #26
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    i haven't had anything like that happen.
    i ususally do pretty good with drunk people.
    worst i've had is a couple of ladies who decided to find out what was underneath without a proper introduction.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by gilmore View Post
    Yes, happens all the time. I hate it when they say yes and you have to dance with them and they are so drunk they keep trying to lead and step all over your feet.
    There was the laugh of the day.
    [b][SIZE=2] In Soviet Russia, kilt wears you.
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  8. #28
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    Why is it morons like that associate kilts with being gay? I have a lot of gay men friends, and not one of them wears the kilt! I credit you for handling that situation well.....I don't know if I could have been so civil to that cretin. Oh well, I guess discretion is still the better part of valor.


  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozth3dog View Post
    But not wanting to start a fight at a friends wedding I simply replied," I would have if you would have called it a KILT, and not a skirt. To which he appoligized...
    Good Show, Chap! Well doneith: That was an excellent response, and actually ended things quickly...and you got an apology.

    It takes a Man to stand under insult and still remain standing.
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  10. #30
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    Guid oan ye!

    I will echo the comments above and say you handled it very well! As also said, it's best to not deal with drunks if possible. I for one have had mostly (98%) positive comments when I wear mine around town. One instance though really got to me, and if I had not been on the phone with my wife at the time I might have given the guy what for. I was walking into a building on campus and one particularly rude and ignorant college student yelled "What's your bleeping problem man!? Guys don't wear bleeping skirts!" with other various expletives inserted at various places. So much for learning in cultural diversity and acceptance huh?
    Last edited by TNKiltedWolf; 27th February 09 at 01:58 PM.

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