28th October 08, 08:49 AM
this is going to sound really really strange, but your picture...
your eyes and smile look a lot like my mothers'... could be a coincedence, but i'm curious... how far back have you (if at all) researched your family tree?
i'm going to have to pester my uncle (George) as if i recall, when my grandmother passed, i think he nabbed the family tree (it was yellowing with age and it was a huge roll of paper almost the size of a table, i'd love to get ahold of that, if not just to scan it. going to have to get his email)
it's good to know that i don't need to clear it or ask permission to wear the family tartan. also, it's neat to see a picture of the clan Chief.)
i think i'm going to see if i can attend a highland gathering/games event sometime if i can!
still, i have to admit, the research i'm doing is difficult... i never knew my grandfather on my mothers side though i have been told i resemble him... oddly, the only picture i remember is a fading memory of an old photograph and i do not know his name, either.
28th October 08, 03:12 PM
Well, before it is too late ask everybody in your family about all of your aunts, uncles, grand parents...whatever... and then WRITE IT DOWN. That's more important than any kilt you will ever own. Believe me, when those people are gone they are gone for good and their family knowledge is gone forever.
As far as kilts go, I'd suggest getting one in your clan tartan, and while you're at it get a clansman's badge as well (if you don't already have one). Also you should search out and join the local branch of your clan society. It's nice to hang out with your kinsmen, even if it's mostly on-line!
Last edited by MacMillan of Rathdown; 6th November 08 at 09:47 PM.
6th November 08, 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by ChattanCat
I would try to get a kilt in your Clan. There are usually 2 or more different tartans; Clan Tartan, hunting, ancient, and sometimes others. The Tartans Authorority is the best resource for finding your Clan's tartans. It can be found here: Scottish Tartans Authority
SteveB - correct on the surname, thanks.
Holy smokes, searching there found that there's a tartan for my surname, Downes. (My adoptive father is a Stewart, so always worn his tartan, never knew there was one for my own surname)
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