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  1. #1
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    Murder in the Great Hall

    Readers of X Marks the Scot, in honor of the holiday season, we are presenting to you a story of intrigue, a story of betrayal and murder. Several members will be contributing posts to this tale in the style of a play.

    Roles have already been assigned. Since different members will be contributing, I would like to ask that only those who have been assigned parts contribute. In this way, I hope to keep the thread clean. If others post on the thread, it may become confusing as to who is actually contributing to the story.


    AN EXCEPTION: I will at times in the story ask for GENERAL CHATTER. At this time, I want EVERYONE to feel free to contribute short remarks to the story. Please make them appropriate to the story. When I post END CHATTER, please stop posting, as the story is continuing and only the cast should post.

    I hope you enjoy the mystery.
    Last edited by davedove; 2nd December 08 at 01:35 PM.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  2. #2
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    The cast of our production (and their screen names):

    Mr. Dove (davedove):The emcee for the evening
    Mr. Panache (Panache): The powerful Moderator.
    Mr. Splash (Splash_4): Mr. Panache’s devoted assistant.
    Mr. Livingston (Livingston): The arrogant and self-absorbed former business partner.
    Mr. Coemgen (Coemgen): Mr. Livingston’s assistant. He comes from the wrong side of the tracks and it shows.
    Arlen (Arlen): Junior staff member of the League. A poet.
    Unaspencia (unaspenser): Arlen’s eccentric wife. An “interpretive dancer”.
    Ms. Pleater (Pleater): Another former partner who is more interested in the bottle than the balance sheet.
    Mr. Wompet (Wompet): Mr. Panache’s mentally disturbed former partner.
    Mr. Clockwork (Clockwork John): Former employee of Mr. Panache. Fired for disclosing secrets.
    Ms. Griffin (LadyGriffin): Mr. Panache’s lawyer.
    Last edited by davedove; 16th December 08 at 07:03 AM.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  3. #3
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    Our story begins.

    You have all donned your finest formal attire and gathered for the Inaugural Hogmanay Celebration at the Great Golden Hall of X Marks the Scot. You have heard that Mr. Panache, one of the Moderators, is making a special announcement tonight.

    You all mingle for some time, awaiting the official start of the event. As you enjoy the appetizers and before dinner drinks, you meet many of the other guests.
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  4. #4
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    Everyone feel free to contribute party chatter. Why did you come to the party? What is Mr. Panache going to announce?
    We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Oh, Arlen, I just love your beautiful Harris Tweed Argyle. You must have paid a FORTUNE for it. How EVER does a poor poet afford such luxurious things. Hmmmm? Oh, excuse me, I see someone I just HAVE to speak to. Love you, Darling. [air kiss, air kiss]

  6. #6
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    OH my this is going to be fun

    "At last I have been invited to the hall, instead of being picked up on the way! Has anyone seen the snacks? Which way to the malt celler, I hope it is on the way to the armory.

    Ens Mender O.D

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Vancouver on the Mighty Columbia. That's in Washington State USA for the geographically challanged.
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    Griffen, Griffen! I know you stick to that silly attorney confidence think, but REALLY darling, don't you think you could just share a little tidbit? Oh, of course you know what the "big announcement" is going to be, and you wouldn't want little old me to have to be kept waiting. After all, it's not like I'm one of the regular guests. Why, I'm nearly the hostess. Oh, have to run Darling, Ta Ta.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Weellll!! I never expected to find all this going on when I decided to come to this shindig. Lucky I found the invitation - that girl at the station gave me such a look when I flashed it - it's only got a little bent over on the corners.

    I just hope it is going to be worth the bother of getting up so early - an announcement by Panache!!

    It was only the thought that he'd finally got his metrosexual behind into gear and might just finally have sorted out our finances that got me out of bed this afternoon I am telling you!!

    All I want now is the settlement of what I am owed from that ill fated business venture, and get it all over and done with. Sorting out the accounts can't have taken so long, he's just been delaying things out of spite.

    Now what I REALLY want is another drink.

    Out of the way Livingston!! Has no one shot you yet? I can't think why.

  9. #9
    starbkjrus's Avatar
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    <striding through the Great Hall perusing the invitees...>

    Oh, good evening Arlen. Married life seems to be agreeing with you. In fact apparently your new wife must be an excellent cook. I'll bet you're not getting creamed haggis and black pudding trifle for breakfast.

    Have you seen Mr. Panache? He failed to specify dress for this shindig of his and here I am in a Braemar jacket, five button waistcoat and a rouche tie. I swear if I get any grief from the tie police I"m going to beat them about the head and shoulders with my new cromach. Even if Mr. Tibbles is still chewing on it.

    Excuse me, maybe I'll find Mr. Panache near the drinks table. Cheers!
    Last edited by starbkjrus; 3rd December 08 at 11:16 AM.

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Good evening, everyone! How thrilling to be included in such illustrious company! If you would please clear a space, I would like to offer a piece of my art in honor of the gathering. Dance is *so* liberating, you know. *I* have been dancing all my life, and I know it gives me such freedom of expression. Sadly, so many people miss out on the chance to share their true hearts with the world. *sighs dramatically*

    As many of you may know, I recently married Arlen, one of the most talented poets of our era. I truly believe he is a legend among men. I feel his welcome into the League can only mean that he will finally achieve some *financial* recognition for his skillful work.

    My darling husband should be joining us soon. He rarely leaves a unique flower such as myself to attend soirees alone.

    Oh, and PLEASE, do not refer to me by that other, more worldly name I once bore. Unaspencia is the name of a true artiste! It is the only name I will accept.
    The fear o' hell's the hangman's whip To laud the wretch in order; But where ye feel your honor grip, Let that aye be your border. - Robert Burns

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