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  1. #31
    Join Date
    12th May 08
    Isle of Harris
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    Can I ask what you would class a sbog-standard kilt hose and 3-4 hours for knitting kilt hose, Gosh it takes me alot longer, and that's mainly what I knit, either that or ordinary socks, It takes me 10 hours to knit an ordinary pair of socks.........Very late in replying but just interested...........

  2. #32
    Join Date
    22nd May 08
    Vancouver on the Mighty Columbia. That's in Washington State USA for the geographically challanged.
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    I get to trade a pair of diane's argyles for an Inverness cape for Arlen. Hey Arle, I still need your sizes and color choices. ( no guarantee's on the color)

  3. #33
    Join Date
    18th February 08
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    Judging by the pics, and talking to my wife, the prices she is talking of are low, but I would by them!! I'm a cheapee.
    Seriously though those prices would be a really good bargain!! REALLY good.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    5th November 08
    Marion, NC
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    I'm wondering what size yarn and needles Diane is using to make these hose. I looked at McMurdo's review of them, and they are very nice looking hose. The yarn appears to be worsted weight, and I'd imagine she knits them with size 5 (3.75 mm) needles. That would make them work up faster, which explains how she's able to make them so quickly. My red ones which I posted a pic of in another thread have taken about 10 hours EACH to make (although I stopped counting a long time ago). They're fingering weight yarn worked on size 2 (2.75mm) needles.
    I know you non-knitters are enthralled by this discussion, but it's important to know what we're talking about. I just read through Matt and Barb's tome on making box-pleated kilts, and I don't understand much of what they're saying, but it does give me a better appreciation of their craft. Same thing here.
    If you want hand-knit hose, it looks like Diane's are the least expensive you'll find, and judging from the pics, very fine-looking ones, too.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    10th March 07
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    It just depends on the yearn and needles she uses. But in just knitting time it doesn't take her long. (Though she doesn't knit all day every day.)
    Usually she uses worsted weight, but it's at the request of the person she knits for so somewill choose sport weight or super chunky.

    She's allllmost got her waiting list to back within 1 year so she's getting in all the extra time she can.

    Vmac, I'll PM you with those shortly. And Diane will be sending you to a yarn page so Sandy can pick the colours!!!

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