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Thread: Grrrr!...

  1. #11
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    Wow! I thought our Burns Supper was reasonable at C$50. That's a pretty high price; maybe the whisky is included.
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  2. #12
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    Noticed in the paper that a restaurant owner in Japan paid $100,000 for a 300 lb. blue fin tuna. Maybe they are serving tuna on a cheese cracker so the price does not seem out of line.

  3. #13
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    My Burns supper is likely to consist of a couple drams of fine single malt "water of life". I am on a specific diet..

  4. #14
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    I have to ask this," does one actually get asked to pay, to eat haggis?"

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    I just got an e-mail from the St. Andrews Society in Tokyo in regards to this year's Burns supper, and boy did they just cheese me right off!

    I was so looking forward to attending this year, until I saw the bloody price! The price is a whopping ¥24,000!!! That's friggin' $263 USD for the love of Mike! What're they doin'? Exhuming Rabbie himself and bringing him all the way from Dumfries for the festivities? I could've sworn that when I looked at the info from last year, the tickets were ¥15,000 ($164) and even THAT'S pretty pricey. But $263? Good grief! If I were to go with my wife, the whole thing would cost me $660 with gas and highway tolls added in. $660 for a SUPPER! I dunno about you rabble, but I can think of a lotta things to do with $660 other than buying a single meal!

    Unbelievable! Must be that everyone struck it rich and didn't tell me, because I sure don't have that kinda scratch... Man... Really, really, really disappointing is what it is.


    /off to sulk in the corner
    Yeowtch! I'm not spending an awful lot more than that to attend the Ferintosh Burns Supper in Scotland - including airfare.

    Maybe put on your own supper for some close friends?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I have to ask this," does one actually get asked to pay, to eat haggis?"

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  6. #16
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    About ten years ago I was offered a job in Japan at what was (for then) a big salary. I flew out for the 10 day interview (very thorough, those Japanese) but in the end had to decline for two reasons: Cultural deprivation AND the excruciatingly high cost of living. Just to rent a parking place next to my flat in Yoda City was $15,000 a year...

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by CDNSushi View Post
    I just got an e-mail from the St. Andrews Society in Tokyo in regards to this year's Burns supper, and boy did they just cheese me right off!

    I was so looking forward to attending this year, until I saw the bloody price! The price is a whopping ¥24,000!!! That's friggin' $263 USD for the love of Mike! What're they doin'? Exhuming Rabbie himself and bringing him all the way from Dumfries for the festivities? I could've sworn that when I looked at the info from last year, the tickets were ¥15,000 ($164) and even THAT'S pretty pricey. But $263? Good grief! If I were to go with my wife, the whole thing would cost me $660 with gas and highway tolls added in. $660 for a SUPPER! I dunno about you rabble, but I can think of a lotta things to do with $660 other than buying a single meal!

    Unbelievable! Must be that everyone struck it rich and didn't tell me, because I sure don't have that kinda scratch... Man... Really, really, really disappointing is what it is.


    /off to sulk in the corner
    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    It does sound like a rip off, perhaps they are hoping to exploit the anniversary year as a way of boosting their funds.
    Now just everyone hold on...how many people here have actually served on a Burns Supper committee -- raise your hands.

    I have been part of our local Burns Supper committee now for over a decade, and let me tell you it doesn't pay for itself. Expenses range from the band, venue, caterer, piper, Haggis to decorations, invitations, programmes...you get my meaning. I've heard people complain ad nauseum about the costs of Burns Suppers, but...you get what you pay for. That's not to say "pot-luck" isn't appropriate for Burns Night, but you can't get quality on the cheap most of the time.

    Add to the fact that this Burns Supper is in Japan, which isn't too close to Scotland in order to obtain the elements necessary for a Burns Supper, and that might explain the ticket cost.

    Remember, the cost of a Burns Supper pays not only for "a meal", but also for the entertainment. Some societies do use their Burns Supper as a fundraiser, but more often that not for a charitable cause, as the whole premise of the first St. Andrew's/Caledonian societies were mutual-aid societies to assist need countrymen. Our society has raised funds for various local, national and international charities.

    Also, some of this cost may just be flat-out bad economics. Remember, all of these things cost, and when the economy is in the tank, then prices go up for everyone, from the hotel to the caterer to the committee.

    Perhaps you should e-mail the St. Andrew's Society for details about the supper, or even better yet, volunteer to help them with it. Not only do some societies give member discounts, but if you don't like something, get involved and help make it better.

    Or, take the other suggestion and hold your own.



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    The best way of getting into some place you couldn't afford is to be on the payroll. I love piping for things that I otherwise wouldn't/couldn't afford.
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  9. #19
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    LOL! I just got a "ding" in my Gmail box. Seems that the St. Andrews Society of Tokyo and Yokohama is havin' just a weeeee bit o' trouble hawking those ridiculously priced Burns supper tickets.

    Here's an excerpt of what they sent me:

    In true Scottish tradition, your committee, in recognition of giving value for money for an excellent evening of fun, dancing and drinking has renegotiated the ticket price down to 20,000 yen per person!! Spread the news and bring along your friends for what will be an unforgettable night.
    Somehow, I think many have lost the whole concept of Scots being a FRUGAL people. This whole kilted hobby thing is really starting to affect my bottom line here... Bloody expensive comes to mind.

    That's STILL $220 per person. And I can still get a nice kilt for $440 (even if I write off the cost of traveling to and staying in Tokyo overnight). You know what they can do with that invitation...

    As such, I REALLY REALLY liked the suggestions that others had in this thread -- just hold your own! Brilliant idea! But that I'll discuss somewhere else... as I really don't want to threadjack my own thread. LOL.

  10. #20
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    Amen, brother, amen.

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