5th February 08, 12:25 PM
5th February 08, 01:50 PM
As an Eagle Scout and a current Scout leader I will second Mark's advice. I think the kilt is inappropriate for a Court of Honour. I think it is fine for most circumstances but not this. I might feel differently if you had done much of your scouting in Scotland and then moved to the US but you don't mention that is the case. That was my case but, even then, I did not wear a kilt to the ceremony. If you have earned your Eagle Scout solely in the US then you should wear the proper uniform.
I do wear a kilt occasionally (since uniform pants are considered optional in our area) for some Scouting events but never for dress.
5th February 08, 02:08 PM
As another Eagle and current scout leader, I feel you're getting sound advice from Mark and Chef. Honor your brothers by wearing the appropriate dress uniform for the US. And, please, don't wear those switchback pants; spring for the traditional trousers if you don't have any. Congratulations on all your hard work.
5th February 08, 06:56 PM
I've got to agree w/ Mark and Chef. I've been involved in Scouting for over 25 years and am currently a Unit Commisioner. You are the one setting the example for the younger Scouts in your Troop! Wear the kilt later. There's plenty of time, but not at the Court of Honor.
Kilted Flyfishing Guide
"Nothing will come of nothing, dare mighty things." Shakespeare
5th February 08, 08:42 PM
Kevin congratulations on acheiving the rank of Eagle Scout, that is something to be very proud of.
As for wearing the kilt in your court of honour I tend to agree that an Eagle Court may not be the proper place to go kilted. As Chef stated if you had done part of your scouting in Scotland, or if this was not the first ceremony you attended kilted I'd think differently. The Eagle Scout is expected to lead by example, and while I'm sure the kilt and Scout shirt would look great, the younger boys need to see you in full regulation uniform.
Any how, just the rambling of an old Eagle (class of '82) and present Venture Crew advisor. Again, congratulations on your accomplishment. Keep us posted on the progress of your ceremony and your kilted / pants decision.
6th February 08, 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by fshguy
And, please, don't wear those switchback pants; spring for the traditional trousers if you don't have any. Congratulations on all your hard work.
I second that, the switchbacks might be useful but they look terrible.
By the way, fshguy
5th January 09, 08:06 PM
So how did the Eagle Scout ceremony go Coegmen? Did you wear your kilt, or opt for the uniform pants? I had the honor of administering the Eagle Oath to one of our Scouts this past weekend, and it made me think of your posts.
His Exalted Highness Duke Standard the Pertinacious of Chalmondley by St Peasoup
Member Order of the Dandelion
Per Electum - Non consanguinitam
7th January 09, 10:41 PM
Hasn't happened yet. My parents keep forgetting to talk to me about making the arrangements.
9th January 09, 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Coemgen
Hasn't happened yet. My parents keep forgetting to talk to me about making the arrangements.
It's been almost a year since you passed your Board and you haven't had it formally recognized?!? Get it done, young man! This is one of the 'big moments' in your life (on the level of a graduation). It should have been done within six months of your official ratification from the National Office.
By the way, please do wear the complete uniform (sorry, no kilt), neatly pressed and polished, with all of the appropriate badges/patches in their proper places. The Insignia Guide (as well as the inside cover of your Handbook) can be a great help.
As an Eagle Scout and active Scout leader, I know how important wearing the uniform properly can be. Congratulations on an outstanding achievement.
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