This afternoon my wife and I attended a Commander's New Year's reception on Post. This is an Army tradition where the Commander(s), in this case the Garrison Commander (a Colonel) and the training area commander (a Brigadier General) invite selected military and civilian commanders and staff, and in this case, German military officers and elected officials, to a social gathering in the afternoon for a couple of hours of meet and greet. The military are all in their dress uniforms. So it is quite nice.
The last couple of years I have worn a kilt. The General gives me a hard time, but most everyone else accepts it. Had several conversations with the German guests that I never would have had if not for the kilt.
During the course of the afternoon, the Community Manager from the Garmisch garrison (down on the nort edge of the Alps near the Zugspitze) came over and we talked. She saw me in my kilt when I went to their Christmas Reception in December. She said she had a gift for me, and gave it to me as we were leaving. The tag said she got it at Kolh's in the US so perhaps some of you have seen it. If anyone can make out the tartan, please let me know. I think it probably is supposed to be Blackwatch, but it can't be the full sett.
I took the pictures at home, after the event. As you can also see, there is someone who had to check this new visitor out since it was almost her size.