Hi - Well Christmas is still here - just received my Ulster Tartan from Burnetts and Sturth. THis was the Special they ran not too long ago. That is great service. I should ntoe too that I had several personal emails back and forth with their general manager to confirm details that she intiated. As for the kilt - It feels great and fits beautifully - The belt is for show. I left the sporran off so you could see it. Hopefully I have finally got the image loading process right.
That is one good looking kilt, tartan, and wearer!
The pipes are calling, resistance is futile. - MacTalla Mor
I love that tartan. What a great looking kilt.
Congrats! A great looking kilt.
Animo non astutia
Nifty kilt and a beautiful tartan! I'm sure its the camera angle but it looks a bit long - how does it hit your knee?
That might be my next kilt.
Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.) Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth. 7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.
Congratulations on the kilt, I'd have to echo Phil, it seems a bit long. I have a Burnett's and Struth kilt and I really love it, the workmanship is great and they are wonderful to deal with.
I do like that tartan.
Glen McGuire A Life Lived in Fear, Is a Life Half Lived.
Beauty. Pleats hang nice and even too.
Loyalty, Friendship, and Love....The Definition of family.
Very nice! I would guess it would go well with some brown leather accessories? Sharp.
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