22nd January 09, 11:22 AM
Another UK question
I'm looking to buy a UK when I lose a few more pounds and can't decide between a workman or a survival. I do like the pockets on that survival (being a geeky, wannabe photographer needing to carry a lot of gadgets).
Just judging by the pics on the website, I like the "look" of the workman over the survival. So, I was wondering if anybody knew if the pockets were interchangeable between the two models?
22nd January 09, 01:48 PM
I own three Workmans. The pockets are sewn on and not detachable. You could check with Utilikilts and see if they could "customize" a kilt with the type of pockets you like.
22nd January 09, 02:45 PM
I own one of each. I like them both a lot, but I think I prefer the survival, partly because of the amazing pockets, but partly because the material is not as stiff (yes, even after many washings, the workman's is somewhat stiff).
22nd January 09, 03:44 PM
As the others said, not in the least interchangeable. If you want to carry bulky things like lenses, the Survival is definitely the way to go.
Best regards,
[B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]
22nd January 09, 09:45 PM
I have both. By far I prefer the Survival. The Workman's is bad *** and edgy, but the pleats curl like the dickens, the back pockets are too tight to be usable and after countless washings it is still stiff and, though not uncomfortable, not comfy. In comparison, all of the Survivals pockets are usable, the pleats are the most well behaved of my 5 UKs, and the material feels really nice against my skin.
I've kilt for less.
22nd January 09, 10:49 PM
I personally prefer the workmans when I'm actually working (I'm a professional cinematographer/gaffer - though I admit I was working on a TV show last week and wore a Survival one day, and an original corduroy the next since it was so cold - 3F and shooting exteriors). For day to day wear I am usually in my denim or one of my two cords (Brown test model and blue production model - which I had planned on dying black, but the blue has grown on me, it's nice to have a UK that is not in an earth tone).
As for the pockets being interchanbeable, on the workmans they are not, but you could remove them and add snaps yourself if so motivated.
23rd January 09, 07:01 AM
thanks, guys..knew I could count on ya...even with a somewhat "dumb" question.
23rd January 09, 10:13 AM
Good question actually. I own 4 uk's, workman and survival included. Both are excellent choices but I think The survival sounds to be more practical for you situation, but I like the look of my black workman the best.
4th February 09, 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by FreeDon!
I own one of each. I like them both a lot, but I think I prefer the survival, partly because of the amazing pockets, but partly because the material is not as stiff (yes, even after many washings, the workman's is somewhat stiff).
I would have to agree here. I own an original and the workman's. I like my workman's, but it is rather stiff and is a bit heavier. If you are going to be lugging a bunch of photography equipment around, I would say the survival would be more comfortable.
4th February 09, 11:46 PM
My brother is into UKs, so I asked him. He LOVES the survival. Epic pockets, and more comfortable than the workman.
The Barry
"Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis;
voca me cum benedictis." -"Dies Irae" (Day of Wrath)
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