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Thread: Gout experience

  1. #1
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    Gout experience

    Does any one out there have any experience with Gout. I am suffering from the effects and my doctor told me to cut out Guinness. I have already cut out out french fries and sodas, but do I really have to give up my Guinness?

  2. #2
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    Eat cherries, and lots of 'em

  3. #3
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    Though you can't take anything on Wikipedia as gospel, the article there is pretty informative.

    I'm no doctor, but I wouldn't think you'd have to give it up entirely, just limit your consumption. A pint here and there isn't going to make things worse if you're keeping on top of your diet all the way round.

  4. #4
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    Cherry juice ( not the cherry flavored drinks), actual cans of cherry juice for the attacks will do wonders. if diabetic watch the sugar content. For me too much shellfish will trigger and attack. There is mediciene of course but some have side efect so natural things may bring relief.

  5. #5
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    I had gout 5 months. I cut out almost all foods. Went to the hospital and Dr. in ER said, "go back to eating". My husband said, "buy a puppy". I did, gout left. Now I have 13 dogs.....overboard, but no gout.
    Quote Originally Posted by Frank McGrath View Post
    Does any one out there have any experience with Gout. I am suffering from the effects and my doctor told me to cut out Guinness. I have already cut out out french fries and sodas, but do I really have to give up my Guinness?

  6. #6
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    I've had several bouts of it. It is painful. My doctor prescribed ALLOPURINOL for me. It seems to have worked because I haven't had an attack in nearly a year since I started taking it. You might want to ask your doctor about it is the attacks persist. See link below:

    "A day spent in the fields and woods, or on the water should not count as a day off our allotted number upon this earth."
    Jerry, Kilted Old Fart.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank McGrath View Post
    Does any one out there have any experience with Gout. I am suffering from the effects and my doctor told me to cut out Guinness. I have already cut out out french fries and sodas, but do I really have to give up my Guinness?
    Management of the gout is key. I am a sufferer of it, it recurs.

    [I'm not a medical doctor. The following is just my personal opinions]

    When they say don't eat this or that, to me it just means you still can, but not much (to not at all)...

    So don't give up the Guinness if you don't want to! Just don't drink it all the time, when there is no attack. I would strongly recommend, however, that during an attack that cut it out completely!!!! It's just not going to do you ANY good).

    Cherries! Yes. Water yes (lots). I find that if I get dehydrated it could set it off.

    Asparagus - No. Red meat -no no no! Beer, no!

    My doctor has prescribed indomethacin (indocin) and colchicine for when I get attacks. Quite quite helpful!

    Gout attacks are extremely painful and I know from experience. It is truly debilitating. It can make you bed-ridden. At its peak, it can take me several minutes to steel and will myself to move a foot and with lot of straining, scrunched-face effort (if not crying and screaming) and with the help of my two hands; and only if I have to. The weight of a blanket can cause much pain! It can take several days (to over a week) for an attack to die down, and it can come back in the following weeks if you're not careful.

    I absolutely hate it! I will not wish gout upon my enemies.

    You can't really cure gout (because it's genetic), so you just manage it.

    Lose weight, exercise (good blood circulation), eat more vegetables and drink lots of water. Food is your medicine -- (or the trigger).

    Good luck.

  8. #8
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    The doctors in my practice were split with regards to whether I had gout or the onset of athritis in my ankle, this was about 3 years ago. A blood sample showed increased uric acid levels which possibly indicated gout. I had been on bendroflurazide for HBP, the data card with my prescription said that this drug could cause or aggravate gout, my doctor when I pointed this out to him changed me to another drug. I also for years had taken Omega 3 capsules, I stopped taking them as there was a chemical in them that was bad for gout. Thankfully I am not bothered with gout now but just before Xmas last year, I slipped a disc and I am plagued with sciatica. Life is full of surprises!

  9. #9
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    Follow your doctor's advice. No one on this forum knows the condition of your overall health, and it is unlikely that a qualified physician will be suggesting treatment on a public forum about kilts. The advice tendered could complicate, not lessen your medical problem.

  10. #10
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    A good friend of mine also suffers. In addition to some of the things mentioned above (he doesn't drink alcohol at all, does yoga for flexibility), he has said that pork products are a trigger for him.

    Best wishes with this serious issue.
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

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