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Thread: Petula Clark

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Petula Clark

    Petula Clark gave a performance in Dayton Ohio tonight with the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra. At 76 she can still put on a darn good show. All 2300 seats of the Dayton Schuster Center were filled. I attended in my USA Kilt, American Tradition. I assume I was the only one in attendance in kilt. After the show they had a CD signing so got in line. Petula noticed the kilt. She wanted to see my knees. She said you have to have good knees. I hope I did not disappoint her. Unfortunately I was not able to get any pictures.

    A couple of other positive comments from a few ladies as I walking out of the theater. One asked if I wore the kilt because she was from the UK. Sounded like a good reason to me so yes.


  2. #2
    Colonel MacNeal is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    It's a shame I missed her. I'm in Dayton for biz 16-20 March. Wasn't she in Finian's Rainbow with Fred Astaire?

  3. #3
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    I saw Petula a few years ago when she was touring with Sunset Boulevard. She was fantastic! It was closing night and she mentioned that besides our beautiful weather and beaches that we had a lovely "downtown, which I know is the cue for a song, but I'm not going to do it." Well, at that the cast just about went to pieces and urged the audience to get her to sing. Even the orchestra started to play a bit. Finally, Ms. Clark told them to change the key and she started to sing, "When you're alone and life is making you lonely you can always go..." and she held out the microphone and the entire audience, on its feet, sang "Downtown!" And then she finished the song. She was spectacular. The newspaper reported a few days later that it was the first time in the 2 years she had been touring with the show that she had sung the song.

    More recently I saw the very young Petula Clark in "I Know Where I'm Going". No singing, but still interesting to see her as a little girl.

    It sounds like you had a great time as well!

  4. #4
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    Sounds like a great time. I didn't know she was still performing.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel MacNeal View Post
    It's a shame I missed her. I'm in Dayton for biz 16-20 March. Wasn't she in Finian's Rainbow with Fred Astaire?
    Yes she was. She talked about the experience at the show last night. She was very nervous the first time on stage with him because of who he was. She found out later he was just as nervous about being with her because of who she was. She had great respect for him.

    If you are going to be in town next week and have some time we could have a quick "kilt night" at The Pub in Beavercreek. It is along I-675 on the east side Dayton.


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