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  1. #1
    Panache's Avatar
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    Who have you given a kilt to?

    I know a great number of X Markers have done their best to get their fellows into the kilt.

    I thought it might be fun to share our experiences.

    Here's my (and the F-H.C.A.G.'s) list, I should note that I am very thankful of Jerry V. at Stillwater Kilts for giving me an affordable option to getting men in kilts!

    My Dad:

    Hose, flashes, sporran, and Irish National tartan Kilt from Stillwater kilts ( plus a converted tweed braemar jacket from my lovely wife). This was his Christmas present so he could join in our Nor Cal Burns Night supper. He has now been to two and looks forward to them!

    My Father -in-law:

    SWK McLeod of Harris kilt and flashes. He is a McLeod and purchased the rest of his kilt from Jerry V. at Stillwater. He looks wonderful in a kilt.

    My friend George (X Marker PiperGeorge):

    When his house burned down and he lost all his highland attire I gave him a SWK Black Watch tartan kilt and flashes and Alan H. gave him a SWK sporran, hose, and a belt/ buckle to see him through his competition season. An acrylic kilt may not serve him throughout his piping career, but it made a lot of difference to be able to get it to him right then and there when he needed it to perform the next weekend.

    My Brother-law-law:

    The F-H.C.A.G. basted and pressed the pleats of my trusty worn but still wearable SWK McLeod of Harris kilt. I also gave him a basic SWK sporran and McLeod flashes. He is definitely a modern and casual kilt wearer, but he liked it!

    My friend Jon:

    Even though my very old and dear friend Jon sells Scottish tartan goods both online and in his brick and mortar store, he has never worn a kilt.
    I gave him my Royal Stewart tartan acrylic kilt, hose, flashes, and my SWk braided sporran. Hopefully I will gt him to join XMTS, but we will will see.

    I can honestly say that it would be doubtful if any of these gentlemen would have ever worn a kilt had not they been gifted one (save George).

    It is my great pleasure to say that all enjoyed and looked quite dashing in their highland finery.

    So I put it to the good gentlemen and ladies of XMTS...

    Who have you kilted?


    Last edited by Panache; 30th March 09 at 06:56 AM. Reason: typos
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

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  2. #2
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    For right now I've promised a Sporran to a deserving person. As soon as it's in my sweaty little palms it will be in the post to the recipient

  3. #3
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    My Friend Mike

    I've given away one kilt to a friend who I used to work with, last year he was on his way to the Burning Man Festival he said that many guys wear kilts and he would love to do that. I had bought a kilt from Mr. Kilt in the Flower of Scotland tartan, and it never really sit right on me so I figured I'd give it to Mike. I told him to keep it and if it got sacrificed to the Gods of Fire that was cool too. I never really found out if Mike kept it or burnt it, but it was his to do what he wanted too with. Here is a photo of me before I went to work that morning with the kilt

    The Seasick Sailors

    I did lend out a bunch just recently for a friend who wanted a kilted photo shoot for his band The Seasick Sailors, here is a pic from the photo shoot.

    They asked me to sit in for a few, every kilt save one was mine, all the sporrans were mine, as were the hose and sgian dubh's. Every member of the band has since ordered a kilt of their own.

    Casey (cxr89)

    I forgot, while this was not a kilt, I did help Casey, a member of X-Marks with his prom, I sent down two sporrans a kilt pin, hose and a waistcoat, Casey did send back the good sporran as I requested, he also made me a very nice day wear sgian dubh that I really like. Here are some pics from his prom

    Casey has not been around here lately, I hope he pops his head in it would be good to hear from him again.
    Last edited by McMurdo; 30th March 09 at 06:12 AM.

  4. #4
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    Right now no kilts as of yet, but I did give a spare dress sporran to a female friend. She thinks its neat to have a "purse" she can belt on. She usually wears it on her hip, instead of up front, to each their own.

    When someone here on the forum gets done with my 4 yard box, I may have a SWK or so to pass on. ith:

  5. #5
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    I gave my Stillwater standard Black Steward kilt to one of my best buds, Ken.

    Before and After:

    I loaned him the Argyll jacket and sporran.

    Earlier, when he bought a UK at the Celtic Festival in Dayton, OH, I gave him a pair of black hose, which he is wearing in the photo above.

    He wears his kilts sometimes when he ushers for the Shakespeare company. I don't think my giving him stuff put him over the edge, though - it was probably just hanging out with me that did the trick.

    At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.

  6. #6
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    Outside of my two sons, I presented my newborn grand nephew (now almost two) with a Gunn Modern baby Sportkilt.

    More recently, I kilted a buddy of mine in the 190th Air Refueling Wing and former USMC with a SWK thrifty Leatherneck. He was very appreciative but I don't know how much -- or even if -- he'll ever wear it.

    I'd really like to get my brother a Sportkilt to golf in, but I think he'd be more inclined to wear some plus-fours ala Payne Stewart than a kilt.
    Last edited by Phogfan86; 29th March 09 at 09:14 PM.
    Why, a child of five could understand this. Quick -- someone fetch me a child of five!

  7. #7
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    Thumbs up

    I gave one to my Dad, He only sports it occasionally though...
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
    "If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"

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    So far none yet... but I definitely want to get my nephew one. I'm hesitant though, because my brother agrees, but... because he thinks it would be "funny". *sigh* I'll probably wait 'til the kid is older enough to have an opinion about it (he's only 2 now).

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    For St. Patrick's Day 2008, I gifted my good friend and neighbour, Bill, with an SWK thrifty in Irish National. This past Christmas, I continued to build his kit with a Kidder sporran, an Oconee belt and a starter sgian. He doesn't wear his outfit often but he really likes it.

    The Presentation

    Bill with his lovely wife.

    Gentleman of Substance

  10. #10
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    I see a trend forming. Jerry's goods make great gifts and apparently the Irish National is a popular choice.

    I gave my brother-in-law one along with a nightstalker sporran and belt prior to the first Knoxville area kilt night.

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