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  1. #1
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    Question Question regarding Buzzkidder sporrans

    Hi All;

    I'm needing to buy a new day-wear sporran and I'm trying to do my research well. I have a habit of carrying a bit too much in my sporrans which is why the stiff sided sporrans that seem to be most common don't really serve me well. It's also why my current day-wear sporran split along the side after I shoved my wallet in too forcefully, causing a pipe tamper to penetrate the leather.

    Anyway, enough about my hoarding habits inside my sporran. I've always considered considered getting a Buzzkidder becuase I like the look of the sporrans and I love that they don't have those flat, stiff sides. However, I'm trying to figure out just how much the different types will hold.

    Here's what I'm wanting to put inside of it:

    • Wallet
    • Tobacco Pouch
    • Keys
    • Pipe Tamper
    • Business Card Case
    • Lighter

    So, to all those who might own a Buzzkidder sporran, do you think that will all fit comfortably inside the "Highland Ribbed Sporran?" I noticed on his website that the Inverness sporran has the largest capacity, but I prefer the look of the highland ribbed. I had been able to get all my junk into the traditional hard-sided sporran but it was a tight fit and it wasn't easy to get items out, especially if they'd settled to the bottom.

    So, do you think I'll be okay with the "Highland Ribbed?"

  2. #2
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    Hey Glassman,

    I sold the two I had. Couldn't get my hand inside, let alone much stuff. One more reason I advocate for vendors to indicate the size of their sporrans in their advertising. No clue why they don't.

    I had a lot of trouble making the magnet thingie on the flap line up on my BK sporrans too.

    My largest sporrans are the Nativearth "6 pouches and the custom buffalo made by Miss April's Carpetbags.

    Best functional sporran is the Stillwater Kilts Nightstalker in ballistic nylon or leather...hold a LOT too.

    Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
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    "I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."

  3. #3
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    I have one in brown and I put two sets of keys, my wallet, my cellphone, and a coin purse in mine with room left over in mine. You should have no problem getting all your stuff to fit.


  4. #4
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    I have the "Loch Ness" model and I wouldn't have a problem putting what you describe in it. I have found the BK sporrans to be slightly larger (and much stronger) than most standard sized sporrans.


    Last edited by Panache; 7th April 09 at 09:29 AM. Reason: Spelling
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  5. #5
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    Hello Glassman.

    I've got one (Buzz Kidder) and it works well for me. I'm also a pipe smoker, and I can get all the needed stuff in the sporran. Good sturdy sporran, have worn it for a few years now.

    You could get a larger capacity sporran, but most of those are individually made. It is really easy to get smaller capacity ones, just check out what is available at most Highland Games.

    Good value for the money is my 2 cents.

    Oh yes, re the magnetic snap. Takes a little getting used to, but works ok - better than I thought it would at first.

    Matt H.
    Last edited by Balaamsass51; 7th April 09 at 04:02 AM. Reason: another thought
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  6. #6
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    Phil, I've got the Highland Ribbed sporran. That and my Freelander are the biggest sporrans I have. I don't think you'll have a problem fitting everything on your list in it. Some of my stuff settles to the bottom, but I don't have any trouble fishing around to get it. That's my experience with it, anyway.
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

  7. #7
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    I have a black "Ribbed Highlander", and it fits anything I put into it. I have a church warden pipe, so the stem is too long and delicate to trust inside a sporran, but it will hold 4 or 5 short-stemmed pipes, plus all that other plunder you listed.

    When given a choice, most people will choose.

  8. #8
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    I can't comment onthe Buzz Kidders as I do not own one. HOwever I have taken a different tack to the problem of carrying a lot of stuff while kilted, yet still being able to get to it relatively easily. Due to a medical condition i have to carry a pill bottle and eye drops with me at all times. Due to my job I have to carry a pager and two cell phones at the same time (don't ask why two). Then I also carry the usually wallet, change, keys and folding cash, the last three of which always seem to find their way to the BOTTOM of the sporran no matter how big it is. Tried the change purse thing for money, change and credit cards but it too ended up in the bottom of the sporran due to the weight of the change.

    My solution? I put bulky stuff and the things I don't need to get at often (phones, pager, pills, eye drops and wallet in the large standard sporran, then I have a small belt pouch (one in black, one in black and tan for casual) on my hip in which I carry the keys, change, folding cash and a credit card or two. It helps unweight the sporran so it hangs more naturally, and lets me get at the things i need most frequently much quicker without a lot of digging around in one's crotch, yet still allows me to carry all the things I need to carry. Lastly, because it is attached directly to your belt, unlike your sporran, it is harder for someone to grab or cut the strap to try to run off with it. And it snaps or clicks shut firmly so I would know if somebody else was trying to open it.

    I know that some sporran makers are incorporating a key holder and cell phone pocket and some even a slot for change and money, making them easier to keep track of. I wish more did the same. Unitl then I will keep my small belt pouch with me.

  9. #9
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    I have a problem getting my hand in mine also.
    J. Robinson
    Just your average kilt wearing redneck.

  10. #10
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    If you really need a sporran with size, check out the Thorfinn site. Ask Turpin about making you a sporran in the "Men of Substance" size. To check its capacity, I once loaded in a can of Guinness, a can of Kilkenny, Michael Jacksons Guide to Scotch Whisky, wallet, pack of smokes and lighter, keys and cell phone. Now that's roomy!
    Gentleman of Substance

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