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  1. #21
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    You may not like what I have to say here and I am sorry.There seems to be a dearth of compromise here and if it were me, I would seriously reconsider my position. If you are not able to compromise for the wedding it really does not bode well for your future together.

  2. #22
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    The closest non-tartan option I can think of is getting a clan fly plaid brooche. It is'nt much, but it is history. Besides; a brooche looks really good on a suit/tuxido as well.

  3. #23
    Colonel MacNeal is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Cool Future

    Quote Originally Posted by wvpiper View Post
    You'd better ask her first if she'll want you wearing any tartan.
    Sounds like she won't.
    I think you're itching for a fight if you even broach the subject.
    Once a man is married, he should get ready to be wrong on every topic, every time. It doesn't even matter what side of an argument you're on - the man is always wrong.

  4. #24
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    If a man speaks and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong? I joke......sort of

  5. #25
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    to the OP ill give you a run down for what im doing in my wedding next year.

    Basically the plans are im wearing an argyle jacket and vest paired with the Irish national tartan from house of Edgar. my fiancee will either be in a traditional wedding dress or possibly a Renaissance style dress. i was going to have my grooms men dressed the same as me but that has now changed (funny story behind it), as of now the grooms men and fathers will be wearing an Irish national tartan tie. we will be having a bagpiper pipe us into the chapel as well as piping us out. And as of last night (still changing) our first dance some will be from Corvus Corax the song is "fili neidhardi" which some of you rock guys might just like (try youtube to find it)

    i am not full blooded Irish or Scottish honestly i don't really know my heritage but since i was a child and i saw a man wearing a kilt i wanted to get married in one. hope this helps with a few ideas

  6. #26
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    The point is do what your comfortable with. If your bride to be feels strongly about the kilt in the wedding, then I say go for wearing it at the reception and wearing the waist coat with the tux. I really think the waist coat would look outstanding. But I also think that the kilt would look superior to a tux any day but thats me LOL.

    Follow your heart

  7. #27
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    Wear the waistcoat and TARTAN SOCKS & SKIVVIES, LOL!!!
    Aye Yours.


  8. #28
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    You might want to save time and money by getting the divorce before the wedding!! I agree with the statement that there does not seam to be much compromising going on here.

    And, from the other comments, you can see it gets less and less after the wedding.

  9. #29
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    Just picking my battles. She feels more strongly about it than I do. I want to wear the kilt, but won't be devastated if I don't. She gives plenty during the everyday, so it won't hurt me to give here. Only fair The wedding is more her thing than mine, anyway.

    Thanks to the kind blokes here, I see there are other options that would be more subtle but would still get across my heritage. I agree, the kilt would look awesome, but I do look darn good in a tux

    Quote Originally Posted by Laird O'the Cowcaddens View Post
    Wear the waistcoat and TARTAN SOCKS & SKIVVIES, LOL!!!
    That may be just the ticket

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    *sigh* Allow me a moment to daydream about what my wedding would have looked like if my husband were wearing a kilt...


    ok, I'm back. Anyway, My husband and the groomsmen wore Ti leaf leis because he grew up in Hawaii, and my wedding dress was a colonial inspired corset with a hoop skirt--not exactly what you'd call a perfect match-- but it turned out fabulous. And can I just say this business of making the wedding day out to be the day to end all days in perfection is just ridiculous. It should just be a fun day where you celebrate your love because once it's over, real life sets in and no one cares what you wore or did afterwords. Trust me, I can't bribe people to look at my wedding pics!

    And I can only speak for myself, but I NEVER thought of my wedding until I got engaged, I think that girls dreaming of their weddings since age 3 might be an idea perpetuated mainly by hollywood... but I really don't know for sure.

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