RANT STARTS I just looked out the window and it is SNOWING here in NM in April.....after tax day!!!!!!!!!!!! This is bloody insane, has no one informed the weatherman it is SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder my joints ache Oh well climate is what the real estate agent promises......weather is what you get! RANT ENDS Weasel(wrapped in his blankey)
Makes ya want to seek out Al Gore and bop him on the nose, eh?
yeah, where's all of this global warming we were promised? We got dumped on with snow this week as well. And it's "spring break" which means my kid is out of school, and we are all stuck in the house staring at the snow...
thankfully its been sunny here in central scotlnad but still brass monkeys out there and windy .. but nothing like snow you get over there though , a wee dram will heat ya up in no time
Relax man. We've had several days of snow here in Flag, AZ. Enjoy it while you can.
Last edited by JelicoCat; 17th April 09 at 03:53 PM. Reason: typo
No snow in Ontario, or Western NC I guess I got all the Global Warming.
I believe it's God, telling me that my SWK is nice, but it's time to buy a wool tank.
Super fine weather here in Quebec. Almost got up to 20 celcius.
April is the cruelest month. What's up with the "average" temperature -- when we seem to get six days below for every two above?
Last edited by Larry124; 17th April 09 at 09:07 PM.
[FONT="Georgia"][B][I]-- Larry B.[/I][/B][/FONT]
I know what you mean. We are up for our weekly check on Mom and it SNOWED all the way from Colorado Springs to Denver, rained cats and dogs till we got to Longmont and then started snowing again. Here in Estes at 6 PM the house had 18+ inches of snow on the roof. AND it is still coming down!!
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