21st April 09, 04:52 PM
Celtice Festival of Southern Maryland
anyone going to the celtic festival of southern maryland this weekend?
anyone attended in the past?
23rd April 09, 12:34 PM
I'll be there (my first time).
23rd April 09, 12:39 PM
Celtice - I don't know what it is, but I like the sound of it.
23rd April 09, 05:32 PM
I'm going to be there. I've managed to miss it several times, but this year I'm committed to going. I aim to arrive about 1pm to meet with a group of other people. I'll probably be the only one in that group wearing a kilt.
23rd April 09, 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by ajrimmer
I'll be there (my first time).
I can't resist asking you if you'll be dressed like your avatar, LOL!
25th April 09, 04:50 AM
I will be there.
The large, overly warm gent in a kilt.
Phil. ith:
25th April 09, 08:42 PM
Had fun, but it was too hot. Noted the ambulance departing at least once.
Left early, before it stopped being "fun" and turned into desperately trying to pretend we were having fun. Got some compliments on my pith-helmet-with-goggles.
27th April 09, 12:01 AM
It was indeed very hot. I was thankful I wasn't wearing trousers in that heat, although if I'd known I would've worn a thinner kilt. My teenaged son came with me,and he got very overheated. We visited the tent for his (i.e. my wife's) clan, and I think he may be developing an interest in getting a kilt.
I don't seem to recall seeing anyone in a pith helmet. I think I would have noticed that. Mind you, in that heat I would say that would be a good choice of headgear. Either that or a kepi! We were there from 1pm until late afternoon, but we left before the end. We just couldn't take the heat any longer.
I was wearing my Irish National kilt (not the only one there in one of those, of course) with a green shirt in a similar shade. I have a beard, which is another identifier apart from the green shirt. Although I also have long hair it was in a braid, so not perhaps as obvious. I am sure I kept cooler with my hair braided, but OTOH if I had worn my hair loose I wouldn't have sunburn on the back of my neck!
I got a new chain belt for my sporran. Just a cheap one. They also had fancy $60 chain belts, but I just wanted a replacement because my original one broke.
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