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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by kilty View Post
    He seems to be taking any criticism constructively and I say let's give him a chance to see what he can do.
    That's exactly what I was thinking. I don't see him getting defensive in his last post, and in general, this thread has moved toward acknowledging differences of opinion and preferences, so my hat is off to all of you.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Wizard of BC View Post
    X Marks is a graduate course in Kilts. Our members are better informed, better representitive, of the full spectrum of Kilts than any other single source in the world.
    Thanks, and much appreciation, to the people who make Xmarksthescot.

  3. #63
    Dan R Porter is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I agree

    If I can get a Poly Viscose kilt for that price to bum around the house in I am sold! But I am getting turned off by the poly-acrylic fabric nowdays.

    Also I am not sure I was clear in my other post. I ordered a sgian dubh from allscottish.ca. The photo on his web page of that particular sgian dubh is the same, exact, photo of that sgian dubh on other gold bros. websites. Maybe this will clear some things up.

    Do not misunderstand me, I am not knocking him or the company, like I said I have even commited to a purchase if this is truly poly viscose! But I figured some people would like to know he is either affiliated with them, or the company that manufactures that particular sgian dubh sends the same photo to each retailer. hmm could be.

  4. #64
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    Since he is posting in here at all I would say I'm willing to give the guy a chance. If the seller shows a little interest in his customers I think it's something that could be worth a try.

    For the sellers point I think we all on this board find Gold Bros something we very hard try to avoid. We are very conserned to buy anything that has to do with them, hence the critical toughts. If someone gets a kilt or two from this store, I would say it's up to them to convince us that it's good kilts. But please keep in touch in here, and you might get known as a good member of "kilt the world" club.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan R Porter View Post
    If I can get a Poly Viscose kilt for that price to bum around the house in I am sold! But I am getting turned off by the poly-acrylic fabric nowdays.

    SNIP... like I said I have even commited to a purchase if this is[I] truly poly viscose.
    As a point of clarification, not all Poly Viscose is the same. Different mills make PV material. Some of them are in the UK, some in Canada, some in China and some in Pakistan.

    The PV that is used by CCK, FK, NK and USAK is from Marton Mills in the UK. What the Gold Brothers buy are kilts made from PV material woven in Pakistan and China. They ALSO sell less expensive ($30 - $50 pricepoint) Acrylic kilts.

    Here's a link tot he Material Comparison Chart on Xmarks to show the differences in the material used:


    It's found on the left side of the homepage under 'Xmarks Community'.

    This is not meant to be a dividing post or issue, just clarifying.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan R Porter View Post
    Just out of curiosity. What mill does your poly viscose come from?

  7. #67
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    I've been looking trough some web sites, and found something interesting.


    It says: "This infamous kilt is a genuine wool kilt designed and manufactured in Scotland by John Morrison, a well established Scottish kiltmaker."

    We all know that John Morrison was a good man, but now the Gold Bros have taken over his name. Just wanted to tell you this to make any toughts about about where it comes from clear.

  8. #68
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    I sent an email to allscottish, and simply asked where the kilts were made;
    as it didn't post till Friday afternoon, I don't expect an answer till Monday or so-
    I'll share the results.

  9. #69
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    Dear Guy's and Girls if there are any girls on this site......

    It saddens me to see all this doubt about what I sell.... I buy my kilts from scotland I have over 20 customs forms that state origin of goods UK or sometimes it'll state GB. Now I don't know where the Kilts are made in Scotland, and yes I have bought from the Gold Brothers in the past I have also bought from Reputable dealers in Scotland and to see all this negativity it hurts.

    I have no contracts with the gold brothers I find their merchandise very poorly made and not up to my standards as a Scotsman a Buddy from Paisley, my family (older generation) all grew up working in the Coats Mills and others in and around Paisley and cousins in the Isle Of Skye. If anyone else wants to know about me then they will have to send me an email I will do my best to answer all questions to the best of my ability.

    I don't pretend to know everything, there more people here in the N.A. continent know more about kilts than in Scotland, and I feel I've angered alot of the kilt makers here in Canada and in the USA most of whom make their own kilts in Canada and the USA if I knew how to make a kilt and it is on my list of things to do i would make them here too and charge more money well not that much more.

    I know I've upset them because I have under cut their prices, and for that reason and that reason only I have decided not to post anything else on this website I will from time to time log on and check things out, ask a few questions now and then but as for conversing like I have done in the past I wont participate, "10Buckstew" I answered your question on Saturday night.

    Thank you for all your critisizm and kind words good luck to you all in your own endevours in life.

    Best regards,
    Sean J Murphy

  10. #70
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    That explains a lot. People will critisize very easy when it comes to something new. Especially when it comes to kilts. I'm raised with the tought "if you critisized, it's not perfect. If nothing is said at all, it's perfect". Hence my critisizm. Because; who is perfect?

    If I find that I need anything I will consider the store as an option. Based on the responses I will say that the owner seems like a good seller.

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