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  1. #21
    Join Date
    23rd November 08
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    Have not had a smoke in a long time but am currently enjoying a Glenmorangie LaSanta.r


  2. #22
    Join Date
    27th May 07
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    In my bowl- MacBaren's PlumCake, Davidoff's Scottish Mixture, Cornell & Diehl's Blockade Runner, and 2 blends from my local tobacco shop- Somerset, and Whiskey Cavendish

    In my glass- Currently enjoying Glenlivet French Oak Reserve. Im rather fond of The Glenlivet and The Macallan, so I tend to keep at least one variety of each on hand if my finances (and my wife) will allow it.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by turpin View Post
    In my glass is Talisker 12 year amoroso double-matured malt. Then I migh thave a dram of HP-12.

    As much as I like Islays, if I could only have one Scotch (thank dog I don't have to) it would be HP-12. Scores around 90 in the book.
    I'll probably have to second the Hiland Park vote. I just bought a bottle this afternoon--came with a small shot-sized bottle of the 18--and I have to say that for the price it's almost impossible to beat. Nice and peaty, but very refined. . . or something.

    My local store has the best selection of whisky I've ever seen. I was really drooling over the Glenmorangie Elegance in that really nice decanter, but it was $229, and I wasn't feeling that flush. Take a look at it here: http://www.internetwines.com/rws24846.html
    Jim Killman
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    Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.

  4. #24
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    When I smoked a pipe it was ST Bruno ready rubbed or flake..drink a good Chardonnay or a Rusty Nail or better Drambuie on the rock's

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    For some reason, pipe tobacco and Scotch whisky don't go together well. I tend to prefer a wine, port, beer or water better. I have Mac Baren Plumcake and Scottish Blend as well, like them both- SB a little better. For me the whisky drinking is best alone or with some nice dark chocolate.

  6. #26
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    I'm currently keen on Dark Fragrant from Rattray's and Full Virginia Flake by Sam Gawith. Balkan Supreme from Peter Stokkebye is a new find. I never had a chance to try Balkan Sobranie, but Balkan Supreme is a very enjoyable smoke and somewhat like it, based on others' reviews.

    I'm pretty much a bourbon guy, being from the South and all, although I like to drink Scotch in the winter.



  7. #27
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    I've been tobacco free for nearly 4 weeks now, but my glass currently contains roughly 2 oz of Glenlivet 12 year old single malt...

    Make that 1 and a half.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by peacekeeper83 View Post
    On occassion I'll smoke a little natural tobacco and no not the wacky weed, but natural mixture of tobacco, barks and added herbs, a special blend. I'll smoke out of a pipestone pipe I carved myself. As for the drink.. Right this moment, unsweet tea..
    Ya know... the "wacky" weed is natural, too. Just sayin'.
    Here's tae us, Whas like us... Deil the Yin!

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    A Wee Note on Tobacco and Alcohol...

    Quote Originally Posted by Sionnach View Post
    About a year ago, we had a very interesting thread on pipe smoking- it even seemed to generate the movement of some pipes across the US and maybe around the world.

    Well, I'm just an occasional pipe smoker. If the evening is cool, and the dogs need to run off some energy, I'll sit out back and watch them chase lawn moths in the dimming light, and occasionally I'll toss a ball at them. And in between all that sometimes I'll get to thinking, sometimes I don't think at all.

    But one think I keep thinking is - When others are smoking their pipes, what is their drink of choice. And I realize this may be dependent on the tobacco that is being smoked. For instance, one of my favorites is Frog Morton and that seems to go very well with red wine- like Pinot Noir.

    I am sure there are some better combinations (and then we can talk foods!)
    Not to be too snarky... but it's interesting that you (and many probably do) associate a good bowl with a good dram/pint since smoking typically diminishes the flavour/quality of the drink to the smoker (and food as well for that matter, which is why one shouldn't smoke before eating)- not that that should keep anyone from enjoying the two together...

    I always get the craving for a good bowl after a really good meal, and assuming it's not blazing hot outside with 90% humidity. And I never shy away from a good pint of Guinness while enjoying my pipe (Mmmm... Guinessss), which would probably be my preference. I have a hard time with the whisky unless it's cold outside, but I will vouch for a Deanston 12yr and MacAllan (cask strength).

    One thing I've never got the hang of was the tobacco varieties and their blends?! I usually just kinda go with what smells good in the shoppe (I haven't been to a REAL tobacconist in ages). I've read that certain tobacco blends are better suited to particular occasions, ie early in the day, late in the day, after food etc? Is this just the elitism of the industry, or does anyone have any first hand experience with this?

    I would be interested to hear how folks came to smoking a pipe? I got into it after reading The Hobbit for about the third time (I'm a slow reader) while in college, and then found a really cool tobacconist in Buckhead (Atlanta) manned by some super crotchety old curmudgeons (it was great!). They had rocking chairs in the back of the store so you could try on your new tobacco or cigar and watch cheesey war/cop/cowboy flicks on TNT!

    I also read a really cool article on William Faulkner and his smoking habit (he was an avid pipe smoker), which has been a big influence. Any else familiar with Faulkner and his pipe?
    Here's tae us, Whas like us... Deil the Yin!

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sionnach View Post
    For some reason, pipe tobacco and Scotch whisky don't go together well. I tend to prefer a wine, port, beer or water better. I have Mac Baren Plumcake and Scottish Blend as well, like them both- SB a little better. For me the whisky drinking is best alone or with some nice dark chocolate.
    Oooh! Good call on the Port! Mmmmm...
    Here's tae us, Whas like us... Deil the Yin!

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