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  1. #121
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    It's much better than calling it wool, in my opinion. But that's just my opinion, and I'm probably something of a wool snob.

    As I see it, there's one of two things happening here. One, AllScottish is still not entirely clear on the difference between acrylic and polyviscose. (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he's not being dishonest.) Two, he actually is selling a polyviscose kilt, but hasn't bothered to actually take pictures of it, and is using photos from another kilt, presumably one he sold some time earlier. If the former case is true, he needs to learn to distinguish acrylic from polyviscose post-haste. It's part of his responsibility as a reseller to know the product he's selling. If the latter case is true, he needs to take pictures of the product he's actually selling.

    I suppose there's a third possibility that I'm wrong, and there are, in fact, polyviscose kilts in the tartan pictured in the auction. I rather doubt it, though.

  2. #122
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    That ebay picture is definitely of an acrylic kilt. P-V does not look that fuzzy. Many people don't understand the difference between the two fabrics (as evidenced by many threads over the years on that very subject), but they are truly worlds apart.
    [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]John Hart[/COLOR]
    Owner/Kiltmaker - Keltoi

  3. #123
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    Gold Bros kilts are not acrylic, they are PV, and 16oz PV at that...

  4. #124
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    I think this is the last I will have to say on the subject. This shows one thing that xmarks does for us. This string has had over 4,600 looks and that is a lot of tartan lovers. We have heard from Sean and he has been a little compelling. I have been holding off on leaving feedback on ebay because I wanted him to be able to smooth the waters a little. I sent a message via ebay and I got the following:

    Hi there I thank you for emailing me,

    Sean is not presently involved with Allscottish at the moment he is actually in Hospital (chemo therapy ) as of last Wednesday. I Alistair Gordon am presently taking over the website and his ebay account until he is able to come back to work as you know from the xmarks the scot site he is going through a legal battle with a company where he was buying items from and they were selling as Wool but it turns out that only about 30% of what was being sent was wool, If you wish and as per ebay rules and agreements I think Sean would like you to leave feed back, feed back positive or negative is up to the buyer however you have stated that you are content with the purchase Sir I leave it in your hands.
    Alistair Gordon.

    I guess I got one of the 70%. I am not dissatisfied with the product except that I have to be more careful around sparks. I do expect some response concerning standing behind their product and regrets and so on. I have sympathy if he is in chemo. Will affect his business though.


  5. #125
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    Hi there Guys,

    Just a quick update and first of all thank you all for your comments, arguments, and opinions.
    I first must say that what I was selling as wool kilts was what I thought I was buying, ultimately I am responsible for what I sell no matter what has gone on or what I was told, It was my responsibility to find out!

    I have given up on my legal course of action as I was told it could take a few months or a few years depending on the company it was taken out on and only if they reply to the action against them, so therefore I have sold the name www.allscottish.ca and the rights to an acquaintance of mine by the name of Alistair Gordon I have instructed him as to what has transpired in the past and what to expect in the future I have also had him read the thread here on X marks the Scot.

    I am sick and I am tired I am 43 yrs old and should be living a healthy life, but the higher powers that be see it differently, my only regret in this venture is I should have been more diligent in my descriptions and my research.

    I hope that if Alistair joins this group that you will welcome him with open arms as you did me.

    I will continue to log in every now and then to see whats been going on and to catch up when I can.

    To contact Alistair Gordon you can reach him at alistair@allscottish.ca



  6. #126
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    Good luck Sean

    Daft Wullie, ye do hae the brains o’ a beetle, an’ I’ll fight any scunner who says different!

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by smurphs1 View Post
    Hi there Guys,

    Just a quick update and first of all thank you all for your comments, arguments, and opinions.
    I first must say that what I was selling as wool kilts was what I thought I was buying, ultimately I am responsible for what I sell no matter what has gone on or what I was told, It was my responsibility to find out!

    I am sick and I am tired I am 43 yrs old and should be living a healthy life, but the higher powers that be see it differently, my only regret in this venture is I should have been more diligent in my descriptions and my research.


    Thanks Sean. You should be living a healthy life - but it won't come from "higher powers"

    Only one Higher Power to turn your health/life and spiritual energy toward. Get well. If you ever have questions or issues you would like to discuss, PM me. Sometimes the potholes in our lives are meant to get our attention. Shalom.

    Last edited by pastorsteve; 9th June 09 at 11:01 AM.
    Clans MacDonald & MacKay
    In the Highlands of Colorado.

  8. #128
    Dan R Porter is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Are you discussing Zeus???

  9. #129
    Dan R Porter is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Allscottish is still claiming wool, and is still getting negative feedback on Ebay. Nothing has changed...

  10. #130
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    Hm. Well, you can lead a horse to water.. yadda... yadda... broken record... etc....etc...

    In Japan there is a popular expression: Shou ga nai. It means: What can you do? (As in a: you can't fight city hall kind of feeling)

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