These are super. I enjoy seeing others' viewpoint of the country. I'm glad you enjoyed your stay. The rest and be thankful is some view huh ?
a perfect spot to stop and have a thermos of tea. It's a beautiful drive from Glasgow to Dunoon going that way. Fantastic scenery. Not completely unlike the Okanagan of BC.
Thank you for the photos.
It is unfortunate that on doors and through the passages that the city is spoiled by the "art" of graffiti. It is hard on my eyes as the last time I visited, there was no graffiti, but that was forty-five years ago. Times do change, and I pray that the defacing of property is not an import from the United States.
Thank you for the photos.
It is unfortunate that on doors and through the passages that the city is spoiled by the "art" of graffiti. It is hard on my eyes as the last time I visited, there was no graffiti, but that was forty-five years ago. Times do change, and I pray that the defacing of property is not an import from the United States.
that`ll be the Ned's ..most local councils do there bit to remove graffiti but that door looks more like a emergency exit for a pub or shop and therefor the council cant do anything about other than ask the owners to repaint the doors which will more likely be covered in "mentions" as there known here that night
thanks for sharing the pics colin some times even us scots forgot how beautiful our country is
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Thanks for the pics Colin. I love to see pics that both remind me of where I've been and show me places I want to go. So when are you going to post the rest?