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  1. #11
    Colonel MacNeal is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Thumbs down Matthew Broderick

    The biggest thing is don't drink. Even a small one at lunch. It's very easy to revert to your North American driving habits after even a small amount of alcohol. That's how Matthew Broderick killed a few people about a decade ago, driving on the wrong side after a few quick ones.
    Last edited by Colonel MacNeal; 19th June 09 at 10:33 AM. Reason: sp

  2. #12
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    Scotland is nowhere near as bad as Ireland when it comes to extremely narrow roads combined with tall hedges or rock fences right beside the road and then the large amount of tour bus traffic making the roads even tighter. The further out of twon you get the better it actually gets, althoguh some of the roads can get a bit rough as I described above. It is harder, however, sometimes to keep you mind on the road when you are amongst some of the most beautiful countryside in the world, so plan to slow down and pull off the road to enoy the scenery instead of trying to do so while still moving. Signage is much better in Scotland than Ireland so it should be easy to find your way around with a decent map, and preferably a good navigator.

  3. #13
    JS Sanders's Avatar
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    I highly recommend this book: Driving In Britain - A North American's Guide to the Ins and Outs and Roundabouts of Driving Over There .

    It can be purchased here: http://www.amazon.com/Driving-Britai...5423114&sr=1-6

    It's written for North American drivers and is information that is readily retained between one's ears. Try reading the UK's Highway Code if you need a narcotic.

    I've met many fellow Americans driving in Scotland. What frightens me (and should terrify the locals) is almost all haven't the slightest concept of the most fundamental rules of the road.

    Slan yall,

  4. #14
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    Regarding insurance, on my last trip I purchased a third-party insurance policy designed specifically for foreign travelers renting cars abroad. Fortunately had no cause to use it, so I can't comment on that aspect, but it was much more reasonably priced than the rental company's insurance. I probably have the name somewhere but I found it online so some Googling should turn them up.
    Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by sydnie7 View Post
    Regarding insurance, on my last trip I purchased a third-party insurance policy designed specifically for foreign travelers renting cars abroad. Fortunately had no cause to use it, so I can't comment on that aspect, but it was much more reasonably priced than the rental company's insurance. I probably have the name somewhere but I found it online so some Googling should turn them up.
    If you buy your trip as a bundle through oneo f the major online vendors such as Orbitz or Expedia they almost always offer you a tipr insurance package that includes, in addition to trip cancellation or delay provisions, extra car rental coverage, if that is part of your package. It is usually fairly reasonable compared to the overall trip cost. Last one for me was about $100 for coverage for three people, transatlantic flights, 9 days 4 star hotel and hotel transfers----$4600US cost equivalent. No car rental though.


  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel MacNeal View Post
    The biggest thing is don't drink. Even a small one at lunch. It's very easy to revert to your North American driving habits after even a small amount of alcohol. That's how Matthew Broderick killed a few people about a decade ago, driving on the wrong side after a few quck ones.
    That is very good advice. My brothers and I followed it to the letter when we were in Scotland. The driver for the day never had a drink until we were settled in for the day (car parked at the B&B).
    We found that the quality of driving there is way better than where we're from, and you have to have your wits about you; add to that the difference of driving on the other side of the road, roundabouts, etc.
    "Touch not the cat bot a glove."

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