11th July 09, 01:49 PM
I have been thinking about this for some time. Is there a good spot on the web to up to speed on DNA genealogy?
11th July 09, 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by pdcorlis
I have been thinking about this for some time. Is there a good spot on the web to up to speed on DNA genealogy?
11th July 09, 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by O'Callaghan
I haven't had mine tested either. We discovered my wife's maiden name on my side of the family tree! No, none of our family are from West Virginia! We may, nevertheless, be distant cousins.
We are all cousins. It's a question of degree. The most recent common ancestor of all humans lived sometime between the 6th millemium BCE and the 1st millenium CE. The most recent common ancestor of all Western Europeans may have lived as recently as 1000 CE. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_re...ommon_ancestor
Also we all descent from one women, whose mitochondrial DNA we all carry, and one man, whose Y DNA we men inherited from our fathers. "Mitochondrial Eve is estimated to have lived about 140,000 years ago. Y-chromosomal Adam is estimated to have lived around 60,000 years ago. The MRCA [most recent common ancestor] of [all] humans alive today would therefore need to have lived more recently than either."
It has been estimated that every human shares at least one common ancestor with every other human who was no more than about 50 generations in the past. In other words, there is no one on earth who is not your 50th cousin, if not more closely related. At 25 years per generation, that is about 750 CE.
11th July 09, 02:57 PM
Just a quick question to anybody who has had this done. Roughly how much does it cost? Thanks.
11th July 09, 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by Chas
Just a quick question to anybody who has had this done. Roughly how much does it cost? Thanks.
From $100 to $700, depending which one(s) you want, and how much detail you want. See http://www.familytreedna.com/products.aspx
There is a discount if you order through a surname project, and allow the results to be shared with others.
FTDNA has the largest database of the several testing companies, and therefore the most useful.
11th July 09, 11:13 PM
i got mine done last year, i'm U2
12th July 09, 09:15 AM
Ok, question then. Never met my father. I am Corey MacLeod, taking my mother's maiden name. My grandparents were both MacLeods when they met. Haven't found a common ancestor for the two yet. Anyway, what does that mean for me?
12th July 09, 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by CoreyMacLeod
Ok, question then. Never met my father. I am Corey MacLeod, taking my mother's maiden name. My grandparents were both MacLeods when they met. Haven't found a common ancestor for the two yet. Anyway, what does that mean for me?
Yer either an alien from Mars or yer weird.
Gillmore of Clan Morrison
"Long Live the Long Shirts!"- Ryan Ross
12th July 09, 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by CoreyMacLeod
Ok, question then. Never met my father. I am Corey MacLeod, taking my mother's maiden name. My grandparents were both MacLeods when they met. Haven't found a common ancestor for the two yet. Anyway, what does that mean for me?
Y DNA traces one's patrilineal ancestry, one's father's father's father, etc.
mt DNA traces matrilineal ancestry, one's mother's mother's mother's mother, etc.
Either can be useful, depending on what you want to know. They are mostly a supplement to doing genealogical research tracing the paper trail backward in time.
13th July 09, 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by skauwt
thats great news
I'm awaiting my ydna 37 and mtdna test results in the following weeks and reading your wee snippet has made me more excited of what news lies ahead
interesting you have a Scots maternal side also especially with as you say the time span since when your ancestors lived
doing my mtdna has made me search the female lines of my family tree a bit more indepth than i used to before has this been the case with you also ?
Most of the people I know from Coatbridge claim to be 100% Irish!
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