Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
"If you’re going to talk the talk, you’ve got to walk the walk"
I should just move on and forget this ever happened.
My ex was an axe grinder, which made him a rather unhappy person. I have found that when things have gone badly like that in my life, letting go of all hope of a better or different past is a good way to get on with the rest of it. It doesn't require forgetting the past, but having been reconciled with it, one can move on - perhaps a little wiser, but certainly less encumbered.
At any moment you must be prepared to give up who you are today for who you could become tomorrow.
I have to second Rex's sentiments here. Sometimes wisdom and experience is hard-bought, but residual anger just makes one unpleasant to be around. You had a bad personal experience with a retailer of Highland Dress products, no one was maimed or killed...
If I do not receive the sort of service that I consider acceptable when dealing with a business I take my custom elsewhere. This works well for me.
I recommend Matt Newsome at the Scottish Tartans Museum. He has always exceeded expectations and is able to source custom items when needed.
Wolfhawk has said his piece and MacHummel has responded. The moderators feel that the issue has been adequately addressed and that further posts would not change the situation.
Brian & the Mod Squad.
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.