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Thread: Thule Tartan

  1. #21
    Colonel MacNeal is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by turpin View Post
    I like the designs, but did you intend to make it an asymmetric tartan? If woven in double-width, an asymmetric tartan requires more length to make a standard kilt than a symmetric tartan because you can't rip it lengthwise and join the two pieces in the back. I would recommend moving the black and green so that both sets of , say, green lines are inside both sets of black lines, to provide a pivot point in the sett, where one side of the pivot mirrors the other.

    We'll just have to weave it single width then. Still hypothetical. However, I am considering making a few refinements to the blue tartan and authorizing Gunnar to be my agent with the Icelandic Tourism Board.

    Cheers, ColMac

  2. #22
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    I understand. It just seems that if you are in the design phase and if there is not a significance to the asymmetry as a design element, that you would open up your options for having it woven if it were symmetrical. but if you plan only a limited weaving, then you'd likely end up at a place like D.C. Dalgleish, who weaves great cloth on single-width looms (so I understand from Barb T, who should know).
    Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)

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