...and I think my wife is kinda peeved about it. OK, let me clarify....my wife actually ordered it and I guess was gonna save it as a suprise for me. However, I was expecting the latest episode of Robot Chicken via USPS and so when the Priority Box arrived in the mail, I just opened it. Imagine the grin on my face when a new clan badge and sgian dubh fell out of the box!And to make it even weirder, my wife just happened to call at the exact same time.
Apparently, these items were to be a Father's Day gift for me but had to be special ordered. She wasn't really mad about it, but I did get a little lesson in reading the addressee label on a box from now on.
I will be wearing the badge tonight when I'm kilted at the club, however, state law forbids me from wearing any sort of weapon where alcohol is served. I wouldn't want to be tempted to use it anyway. j/k But I'll probably slip it in my hose later tonight for a pic. It's pretty nice with my clan crest on the handle. I dig it.
Oh, and the Robot Chicken DVD also arrived today as well albeit in a different form of packaging....it's gonna be a good day!