Traditional wool kilts:0 saving for 2 double box pleats in Hay(my family) and Kilgour(wifes) tartans w/ fly's
Contemporary kilts: 0 at the moment
PV & other kilts: 7 5 SWK's 2 SK's
Kilt jackets:0 PC and Argyle on wish list
Sporrans:1 SWK nylon Night Stalker several on the wish list
Hose: 5 pairs Cream for going out 5 pair 45inch socks from UK worn daily w/lineman boots
Skean Dhus:0 have not found one I really like yet
Kilt belt buckles:1
Kilt pins:1 military style safety pin
Traditional wool kilts: 2
Contemporary kilts: 1
PV & other kilts: 1
Kilt jackets: 1
Sporrans: 3
Hose: 10
Skean Dhus: 3
Kilt belt buckles: 3
Kilt pins: 7
Uilleam 'Wolfhawk' Kerr
(William 'Hawk' Bennett)
Queen's Own Highlanders * Queen's Royal Highlander Guards * The Order of Culloden Moor
Na Fir Dileas * IBRSC #1654 * RMG #921 * Assassin Guild * RenRat Nation
Traditional wool kilts: 5 (the most recent by Barbara Tewksbury)
Contemporary kilts: 0
PV & other kilts: 0
Trews: 1 pr., high cut, in MacMillan Hunting (modern colours)
Kilt jackets: 4 (Regulation doublet; black Argyll; tweed day wear & corduroy day wear)
Waistcoats: 6 (possibly more-- some in tartan cut on the bias)
Sporrans: 3 (seal; deer hide; muskrat)
Hose: 12 (4 Tartan, 8 coloured. NO white or creme)
Shoes: 3 (2 pr. ghillie brogues; 1 pr. buckle-and-strap)
Sgians dubh: 3 (silver mounted; horn; and a Gaelic Themes Officer's Sgian Dubh)
Kilt belt buckles: 0
Kilt pins: 2 (one otter paw, one silver blanket pin)
Bonnet: 1 (tan, about 30 years old)
I think that's about it. I have given away most of the stuff that didn't fit, and have a few new things coming down the pipeline (box pleated kilt in weathered MacMillan Hunting, and a linen day wear jacket being two such items). If I had to drastically reduce my wardrobe what bits and bobs would I keep?--
1 kilt in MacMillan Hunting (modern colours);
2 pr. hose-- 1 pr. in MacMillan Hunting and the other bottle green;
Argyll jacket with both the 3 button and 5 button waistcoats (all black);
1 pr. buckle-and-strap shoes;
silver mounted sgian dubh;
muskrat sporran;
otter paw kilt pin;