I have just been watching this feature on our TV news. Whilst admiring the chaps chopping away at the log with ancient tools, I could not help but notice that it was a chain saw that felled the tree.Oh well!
Ive saw wooden log boat they have in Glasgow kelvingrove museum its about the same size as the one there going to make i think it was found in dumbartonshire somewhere
Beautiful. I made a miniature one some years ago when my son was young - used little cutting tools and fire to show him how it was made. We just went to Plimoth Plantation here in Massachusetts and he got to see a full-size one being made by the Wampanoag people here.
Fascinating stuff, thanks for the links. One of our favorite spots is the Bronze Age copper mine in northern Wales, amazing when you learn that the tin had to come from Cornwall! More about them here.
OK, I am tempted to fashion a joke about the "markings on the underside of the grave cap stone". . . but I won't
Proudly Duncan [maternal], MacDonald and MacDaniel [paternal].