I've had facial hair since college (20+ years). Only once did it shave the beard down to a van dyke. Instantly everyone tole me to grow it back, including my family who was not thrilled with the beard in the first place. I grew it back and and havn't removed it since.
I used to wear a goatee, but I gradually shaved it off by taking the beard off first, then the mustache after another couple of years. When I retire, the mustache may return.
Last edited by Jack Daw; 3rd October 09 at 09:01 AM.
Sometimes I wish I could grow a beard, what comes in is all splotchy so it's never a good look anyways...I am destined to torture the eyes of beautiful women with my clean shaven face... Only reason I started shaving was because the military made me.. Just because everyone else had too, if I needed to or not.
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.”
– Robert Louis Stevenson