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  1. #1
    Join Date
    1st October 09
    Denver, Colorado
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    Kits for fat guys!

    Let’s face it, some of us are more…rotund than others and this can cause issues with a kilt hanging and wearing well. First solution of course…lose the belly! And like so many other I can say that I am personally working toward that. That being said I’d like to have something that I could wear in the mean time until I get to the lean time that will not look utterly ridiculous. I’m also looking in the economy to casual range as far as pricing goes. Any recommendations?
    Ethan Evans-Hilton
    "Speed bonny boat like a bird on the wing. Onward the sailor's cry. Carry the lad, who's born to be King, over the seas to Skye."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    7th May 07
    Chicago, Illinois, USA
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    I heartily recommend Stillwater kilts. I'm also a large guy and refuse to spend a fortune on a handsewn kilt until I have a waist again. Stillwater sells 8 yard "Heavyweight" wool kilts for about $130 and 8 yard "Standard" kilts for about $80. Probably one of the best values for the money you can get. They come in standard waist sizes with a 24" length. That means for me that I wear it about 2-3 inches above my navel which feels a bit strange at first, but is lower than military kilts. I find that it is actually more flattering for those of us who have bellies - disguises it a bit.
    Animo non astutia

  3. #3
    Join Date
    14th January 08
    San Antonio, TX
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    First, welcome to Xmarks!

    Second, the recommendation of SWK is a good one to start with, especially if you know you are going to be ungrowing out of it over time.

    Third, we have a special Social Group called Gentlemen of Substance, specifically for those of us who are above the standard norms for sizes, that you should feel free to join and contribute to. To find and join go to the blue bar top right of this page and bring down "quick links" menu, where, about halfway down, you should click on Social Groups, where it should bring up a whole list of available specific social groups of various types and descriptions. You will find folks with common traits or other interests that you can befriend and discuss relevant topics with there, as well as on the open forum.

    Great to have you on board.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    24th June 09
    Kamloops BC
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    Hello and welcome from the Highlands of BC. You can't go wrong with a kilt from SWK...very happy with my heavyweight.

    The secret of happiness is freedom,
    and the secret of freedom, courage


  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th January 05
    Jefferson, Georgia, USA
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    To concur with everyone else, Stillwater is a slam dunk.

    But if you find that their selection of tartans are not hitting the spot for you, look into the PV tartans that Freedom Kilts and USA Kilts offer. Made to measure, lots of great tartans to choose from, and very durable. And depending on how much weight you loose, you might even be able to have the PV kilt re-sized.

    You might even check out Sport Kilt. For what you get the price point is a bit on the high side IMHO but they do offer a lot of tartans and options.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Stillwater is a good idea, but the casual kilt from USA Kilts may present a better option, in that it is made to measure, many tartans available, and Rocky works quite hard at making his kilts look good.

    If the kilt is to be contemporary in nature Freedom Kilts has many models to choose from and many custom options.

    IMHO, a made to measure casual kilt will look better than an off the peg on a gentleman of substance.

    BTW from Boston, Massachusetts, and we share the same birthday!


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Fergus Ontario, Canada
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    I have a couple of kilts that are a little big for me if you send me your measurements if i have something for you I can sell it to you for a good deal and thsame time I can quote you for a made to measure kilt from CCK

  8. #8
    Join Date
    3rd January 06
    Dorset, on the South coast of England
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    When considering your options, kilts made from heavier quality fabrics will be the better way to go.

    I am not sure if it is something psycological or optical, but a more ample form clad in good fabric aquires an air of dignity and opulence.

    Anne the Pleater :ootd:

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    New Castle,CO.
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    Morning! I too am a man of substance and tend to wear all of my kilts a tad higher than most other less proportioned members here. I'll go four fingers above my navel with a 22" length kilt. Looks better sitting above the belly/barrell. It does feel weird at first but, trust me, that feeling fades shortly. SWK does offer the best deal in an OTR kilt and I have quite a few of them to say that. I also have several made to measure the at sit high up also. Either way check of the Men of Substance section and check out the pix. Welcome to Xmarks from the Western Slope!
    Kilted Flyfishing Guide
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    22nd October 04
    Wuppertal, Northrhine-Westfalia, Germany
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    If you plan on losing weight I would recommend a kilt pleated to the stripe, it is much easier to alter - I have done this already!
    "Wizards in trousers? Not in my university! It`s sissy. People´d laugh." said Ridcully.
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