Joyce and I were planning on heading down to Denver on Wed last week to start looking for a place to rent and to let a company there know that I would accept the position they offered. BUT, the night before we got a call that her father has passed. This was not unexpected, he was 91, had alzheimers and pneumonia so it was just a matter of time. We loaded up and headed out to Iowa the next morning. The funeral was on Friday. When we headed back we decided to stop in Denver and find a place to rent. Were there 2 nights and left LATE on Wednesday after we finally found a place. We expected to get a call late yesterday or this morning that we were approved but got it before noon yesterday. So, we headed down there, signed papers, got the keys, went over to make sure they all worked and got home late again. Now it's time to move what we can so that I don't have to commute down the mountain in the snow this week.
I am now back among the employed after 10 months of no work. Not going to know what to do with myself.AND, now will be living in Westminster, CO.